Thursday, September 19, 2024

JCP Awards Set For JavaOne

The Java Community Project Program Management Office disclosed the nominations for the 2006 JCP Program Annual Awards in five categories.

JCP’s Executive Committee found nominees for the categories Member of the Year, Most Outstanding Spec Lead for Java Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition, Most Outstanding Spec Lead for Java Micro Edition, Most Innovative JSR for Java Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition, and Most Innovative JSR for Java Micro Edition.

Sun Microsystems said the awards would be announced May 17th during the JCP Community event at the JavaOne Conference taking place this week.

The JCP Program Annual Awards recognize excellence in Java standards development and innovation.

This time around, the nominations focus on areas that have had significant advances for Java Enterprise Edition and Java Micro Edition.

Java Specifications Requests (JSRs) for Java EE 5 and Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 are among the nominations on the Enterprise side, while a couple of JSRs related to mobile services reside in the Micro Edition side.

A variety of other events are taking place during the conference along with the JCP Awards.

Java University classes began on May 15th, and NetBeans Software Day took place the same day.

Sun’s new CEO Jonathan Schwartz addressed attendees during the morning session on Tuesday, May 16th, while Oracle senior VP Thomas Kurian, Server Technologies Development, will talk about “The Next Application Platform” on Wednesday morning.

All of the events may be viewed on the Conference website.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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