Wednesday, September 18, 2024

It’s not what you do. It’s the way you do it.

Does the end justify the means? Does it really matter how you achieve your goal? Is any method justified?

I’m not going to get up on a soap box and start any ‘holier than thou’ preaching on right and wrong! Just take a look around you! How often have you been ‘taken for a ride’? Paid hard earned money for something that you were ‘talked into’ and found out later you didn’t need it! This is what is called a “hard sell”!

A “hard sell” is a sales approach with only one goal. To MAKE you buy! Whether you need it or not. It uses psychological methods to get to your subconscious mind. Certain so called “triggers” set off emotions to make the offered product irresistible.The product offered is in most cases good quality but you just don’t need it. This doesn’t stop the “hard sellers” from getting you to buy!

I’ll give you an example. Picture the average family father with an average income. His old car has finally reached the ‘point of no return’! It’s just beyond fixing anymore. So he’s looking for a reliable family car which will not strain his limited budget. He doesn’t know much about cars so he expects qualified consultation when he goes to a car dealer. In this example the car salesman convinces the family father to buy a car which is well over his budget.

‘Our’ family father is now “in debt”. He didn’t have the money to pay cash for the car so he’s paying by “easy” installments.

Oh the car is great! Almost brand new a real ‘bargain’! The car salesman was not interested in the ‘afterwards’. He doesn’t care about the fact that this family father will now have to “cut corners” to make ends meet. That family father will not be able to buy the new baseball bat his son has been expecting for so long. His daughter won’t get her new shoes for school. He’s going to have to work more overtime than he already is. Spend less time with his family!

The results of a “hard sell” can often be dramatic! For the ‘buyer’ but also for the ‘seller’. WAIT! For the ‘seller’? How come? He made his sale didn’t he? Why should the results for him be dramatic?

Think about it! Hasn’t this already happened to you too? With a different product or service where you too ended up “unhappy” with your purchase? What were the consequences? Didn’t you say something like “I’m NEVER going to buy anything from there again!” There you have it! A “hard sell” is only good for ONE sale!

9 times out of 10 you won’t buy there again!

A GOOD consultation means your main objective is to satisfy your customer. You take into account what your customer really NEEDS! You’ll sell less than you’d like to and less than you’re capable of. In the long run it’ll pay out!

When you have given a customer what he really needs and NOT more. That customer will remember you and come back to buy again and again and again… You have gained a “customer for life”! This customer will put money into your bank account for years to come!

So what is a good consultation and how do I apply it to my online business? To offer a good consultation in an online business is practically impossible. You don’t get “eye to eye” with your customer. You can’t ask questions which allow you the right measure of consultation.

So what’s left? How can I satisfy my customer? There are various approaches to this. Here are some examples.


Let your customer use your product for a given period of time. When that customer buys it’ll be because he’s convinced he really needs it.


If your product doesn’t convince then your customer can get his money back. Just make sure it’s a “no questions asked” guarantee. Most likely this same customer will come back and buy something else from you!


Bad support can be a “business killer”!

Good support and customer service is priceless! If your customers can get questions answered and problems solved they’ll most likely keep coming to you for help. Anything you then recommend in your line of products or services will be seriously considered.


Yes education! Your potential customer may not have the knowledge necessary to appreciate your product or service. These prospects may not be customers yet because they believe they’ll never understand it all! So educate them! Offer them e-courses where they get a “step by step” approach to your product area.

George Eliot once said:

“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?” Remember you are also a ‘buyer’ a customer. You also buy what you need in your everyday life. Keep that in mind when you think about selling your product to “your” customers! Treat your customer as you would like to be treated.

Karl Mills,
Karl Mills is the owner of Successfull Rewards
Home Business “In a Box” at
Consultant Sales Rep and Trainer with over 20 years of experience.
He is also publisher of the free Online Winners Newsletter
featuring e-courses, articles, tips, ‘pointers’ and bonus ebooks.

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