Saturday, October 5, 2024

It’s EQ, Not IQ, That Will Make You More Money

Years ago, I read a biography on Nikola Tesla. While I found many aspects of this great inventor’s life intriguing, the one thing that really made an impression on me was not his many inventions, not his significant contributions to science, and not even his incredible intelligence.

It was the fact that he died a very poor man.

It’s unfair, really, that such a great man never enjoyed financial stability, but according to the biography I read it was his own fault.

While Tesla’s main focus was always on discovery, he often neglected to ensure he would gain financially from his inventions.

Now, that may sound noble, to give and not worry about receiving, but in later life Nikola Tesla was often halted from continuing the research he loved by lack of funds.

Had he merely secured patents and royalties on each of his inventions as he went along, instead of selling them for smaller one time sums or allowing others to take them, he would never have run out of money.

While Nikola Tesla was arguably one of the most intelligent individuals ever to have lived in terms of IQ, it was his EQ that routinely stopped him from achieving his goals.


EQ is emotional intelligence. Now before you think this is going to be just another discussion on the basics of self motivation or building your self esteem, I want you to realize something.

Your emotional intelligence or EQ can have a greater impact on your life or business success than your IQ ever will.

There are real world, specific, business functions that require the use of emotional intelligence, AND they can have a large impact on your profits.

Emotional intelligence begins with you and stems out to others you are involved with. It requires understanding, self-control, responsibility, and optimism, but some of it’s rewards are the increased ability to influence, communicate with, and inspire others.

Perhaps now you can see how your EQ directly influences your bottom line.


There are both personal and social competencies involved with emotional intelligence.

Self awareness, self regulation, and motivation make up the major aspects of personal EQ, while empathy and other social skills make up the social element.

However, it’s more important at this point to understand what developing your emotional intelligence can do for you and your business than to breakdown the science of it.


What are some of the common difficulties associated with running your business?

*getting the most out of the time you invest in it

*constantly motivating yourself and others you work with

*making sales

One aspect of emotional intelligence deals with identifying and building around your individual strengths, knowing your limits, and staying confident.

Does it make sense to work at a job you’re not good at? Of course not, but how often are you stuck doing a task better left to another individual who is more capable?

Ever wonder how much further you could take your business if you could focus more of your time on the aspects of it you most enjoy and are the best at?

Would there be less difficulty in staying motivated if you could do this? What if you could do the same for others who work for you or are in your downline? Can you imagine the results?

What if you could relate better to your potential customers? Don’t you think having a better understanding of their emotions and their needs would in turn increase your sales?

After all, isn’t your business based on filling a need? And aren’t sales accomplished by appealing to people’s emotions and presenting them with the benefits they will receive?


Fortunately, your EQ is something that can be improved. You CAN learn emotional intelligence. As with anything, it simply requires your attention and study.

This means that anyone can develop their EQ, and succeed with their desired goals, regardless of their IQ.

EQ is a greater factor in business and personal success than IQ ever will be.

The story of Nikola Tesla mentioned above is but one example. I’m sure we all know of others we don’t consider to be all that smart that have achieved financial success, too. Ever wondered how they really did it? Was it just dumb luck? Or did they have EQ that made up for a lack of IQ?

Emotional Intelligence, while not discussed by many, has a direct impact on our personal, social, and business lives whether we embrace the concept or not. Emotions are part of us, and in fact are our only tools for understanding and relating to others.

Gaining a better understanding of and developing our EQ can only be beneficial to all of us.

Learn more about EQ from the Original EQ Coach, Susan Dunn. Susan offers a variety of top notch ebooks, e-courses, and personal coaching all designed to boost your EQ and your profitability. Why not make a difference for yourself today?

Written by Joe Bingham of the NetPlay Marketer

Joe has written many articles, both informational and humorous,
with the intent of helping others gain a better understanding of
Internet marketing concepts. His ‘tell it like it is’ approach has
many offering the NetPlay Marketer as one of their most favorite
ezines. See for yourself at:

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