Thursday, September 19, 2024

IT Certification Exams: 3 Most Popular Mistakes

Parallel to the growth of the IT Industry, the value and importance of IT certification exams has also gained significant momentum. More and more people are pursuing these exams and organizations are also encouraging their employees to take these certifications.

But one needs to be educated enough to make a proper choice whether to take the certification or not. And if you decide to take it, then it is even more important to be clear of what it gives you and takes from you to be a certified professional. Below is a brief discussion about the 3 most common mistakes, people make while deciding for these certification exams.

1. Are you expecting too much?

People have lots of expectations about IT certification exams. Some of them are appropriate while many of them not. For e.g. if you believe that the certification itself “will give you a job” then you are wrong. An IT certification exam like MCSE or CCNA, may “help you get a job” but it alone can’t give you a job.

Working professionals also expect huge raises on taking the certification exam. When they go to their boss or their organization, they get disappointed. A certification can definitely help you gain job stability or rise in your career but don’t expect too much. It also depends upon the organization you are working for.

2. I should take what others are appearing for

A Large number of people base their decision of choosing the exam on what other people like friends and colleagues are taking. Also, many people take the decision based on which technology is hot.

Stop and think again. Is this the certification I really want to take it? Is this the one which is worth the effort for me? Your friend’s decision may be based on his/her organizational requirements but it may not be appropriate for you. The technology popular in the global market may not be popular in your country or your location. So, make sure that you are clear of the objective of your taking the certification. Don’t be in a hurry to make this very crucial decision.

3. Earning a certification costs very little

The majority of people grossly underestimate the effort required to earn a certification. They just add the cost of an exam or the cost of training aids they plan to take. But they fail to estimate the cost of precious time which goes into the planning, preparation and finally taking the test. Also, people don’t calculate the cost if they fail to pass the exam in the first attempt.

Both of these factors cost a lot in terms of effort and money. Now, you know how to estimate the effort required.

Useful Resources: To help you decide, plan, prepare and pass an IT certification, follow the below list of useful links:

IT Certification Exams List

Salary Calculator

IT Certification Preparation Resources Center

2005 IT Certification Salary Survey

2005 Top 10 IT Certification Exams

CertLobby ensures your success in various IT certification exams by providing you the best available resources to prepare for various exams. The selected list of Practice Exams, Articles & Tutorials, Trainings & Bootcamps, and Discussion Forums makes sure that you are using the best available options to be successful in your journey to be certified.

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