Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Is There Such A Thing As Free VoIP Service?

When VoIP was first introduced over the Internet, most of the programs available offered free VoIP services. Ah, the good old days. Unfortunately, those days are gone and nowadays many of these services are no longer free; but are still offered at a very minimal monthly fee.

However, even after you’ve decided to purchase these VoIP services, you will still be amazed with the benefits and advantages that VoIP offers. Your calls are unlimited and you’re able to make long distance calls at no charge, but you have to pay the low monthly fee.

Don’t worry though as there are programs that still provide free VoIP services, among them are AdCalls and Skype. These two programs enable you to make calls using free VoIP programming.

With AdCalls, you can make calls to anyone in the USA and Canada at anytime on their home, business and cell phone free of charge. You are also able to call anyone in the world on their PC provided that they also download the AdCalls free calling dialer that can be found on their website.

Skype allows you to make a PC-to-PC call to another Skype user using a headphone and a microphone. All you have to do is download the free Skype software found on their website. This free VoIP service is only available for a PC-to-PC call and the person you want to contact would have to download the software too. If you want to call someone on their phone (SkypeOut) and receive a call from them (SkypeIn), you’d have to purchase their credits at a very cheap price.

Even as many people are choosing to utilize VoIP, it does have its disadvantages, one being the inability to call 911. The reason for this is that the call is made from your computer network instead of a landline phone. This makes it impossible for 911 to trace your call from the VoIP phone and to determine your address. When receiving your 911 calls, it is also impossible for the dispatcher to receive any kind of information on your location.

This is what has made the FCC come up with new rulings. Among the options given were to register with 911, calling 911 and giving them your vital information and location immediately, or having a landline phone or cell phone with you at all times in case of any emergencies. The latter could be the best solution in having and enjoying the benefits of both services.

VoIP is fast gaining popularity and big corporations like Verizon and AOL are all offering VoIP packages. Free VoIP is the most popular choice, though nowadays it is getting more and more difficult to find one. For users who are still not ready or who feel uncomfortable with switching to VoIP, they still have the option of using instant messaging services, for example Yahoo Messenger.

We cannot deny the fact that VoIP has many benefits and plus points that are not available with your typical landline or cell phones. Some of these advantages include the ability to have conversations with multiple users at one time, having the ease of standard features that normally come with your regular landline phones together with your VoIP packages, as well as the option of unlimited talk time (some even worldwide).

As VoIP progresses everyday and with more and more people welcoming the idea of being able to combine all their telecommunications needs like audio, video, data, e-mail, and web services into a single program, many new products will be developed to continuously equip VoIP users with the best tools to enjoy all of VoIP’s benefits.

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Juzaily Ramli is the owner of the site that provides VoIP tutorials to get people to switch to VoIP. He also writes about business VoIP targeted to those who are running their own business to increase their productivity. His site can be found at http://www.voip-revolution-info-site.com

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