Thursday, September 19, 2024

Is Going Offline The Answer?

As email marketing becomes more and more difficult, many online publishers are using alternative methods to market their products and promote their websites.

There is no question that newsletter and ezine publishing is still one of the most effective and cost efficient ways of doing business online. The credibility that one develops by publishing useful and pertinent information for one’s subscribers and customers is of extreme importance. This is particularly true because of the anonymous nature of the internet.

But recent developments that make it more and more difficult to get legitimate email to their lists have forced online publishers to re-evaluate their marketing efforts. One very common practice we are now seeing is that of the web-based newsletter which is delivered via an announcement message. Subscribers are simply given the link to the newsletter and asked to visit a webpage in order to read it.

Naturally this has reduced the number of people who are now actually reading the newsletter. It could be argued that only those who are truly interested in the publication are the people we want reading our newsletter anyway.

But let’s face it – when readership is down, so are profits.

Publishers aren’t able to make as many sales of their products because people either aren’t getting their mail or they’re not taking the time to click through to the newsletter.

Advertisers in the newsletters and ezines are having very little success in their efforts because no one is seeing their offers.

In my opinion the time has come for online marketers to stop, take a deep breath, and get back to basics.

Maybe, just maybe, it’s time to take it offline.

Yes, it’s more expensive…but think about this –

With an offline newsletter, you have the ability to expand your business to an entirely NEW audience! There are still large numbers of people who have internet access and would be willing to visit your site IF they knew it existed. These are people who have not yet found their way to the online marketing circle but would be extremely interested in your products and services if they were exposed to them.

Not only that, online publishers who are finding it increasingly difficult to sell ad space in their ezines might be pleasantly surprised to discover that those same advertisers would be willing to invest in a bit of offline advertising if it means a new and eager audience.

Sure, it’s a lot of work…and no doubt somewhat of a risky proposition. But when entrepreneurs are faced with difficulties, they always manage to adapt.

Doing it “the old-fashioned way” just might be the answer!

Cathy Bryant has been marketing online since the last century, so she knows what works and what doesn’t. Right now she’s offering a terrific 5-part mini-course titled, “Promoting Your Business Without Busting Your Budget!” You may access a copy by sending a blank email to:

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