Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Interview with Judy Cullins by P.L. Fry President, Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network (

1. How did you get started in the writing business? Was it a childhood dream?

I got started in the writing business from creating 20 personal growth seminars delivered to continuing education centers. People wanted the handouts. I saw a need and created short books from them that sold about $2000-$2500 a month.

2. Please describe your work and your business.

I love my work. I work with small business people (authors are business people) who want to make a difference in people’s lives, and make consistent desired income by writing and selling a book. I know how authors can take their ideas and passion and make money through the art of self-publishing. You only hire a little help and have all the control and make all the money, plus it’s a very small investment up front.

3. There are a lot of writers out there manifesting their writing interest (or passion) in a variety of ways. What made you choose to work with other writers instead of writing the worlds best novel or something?

I am a natural coach. I love to help others even though I have written 9 new books on writing, publishing, online promotion, publicity and Web design and copywriting just this past 2years. I love to write too. I don’t need the ego strokes connected with a best seller. I’d rather do what I love and still create a wonderful income that allows me 3 vacations a year including the recent 3 week trip to St. Lucia.

4. What did it take to create your writing business? Do you have advice for others who want to do what you do?

I love a challenge. My small business makes me happy. I’d say do one step at a time. Don’t overspend to look good.

Do what you do best and hire the rest. The more I spend on computer/virtual and Web help the more money I make. You don’t need too many books. Just write one short one and maybe one longer one. Offer them in eBook and print book form according to your needs. My _Write Your eBook or Other Short Book–Fast!_is still my top seller for only $24.95, and is fully packed with easy steps, resources and the coach’s 25 years of wisdom in traditional publishing as well as self publishing.

Promotion is the all-important thing to learn.If you don’t like to travel or speak check out how to write articles to promote your book. I did and I’m now #2 on Google and 35 other search engines. I’m also on 900 other Web sites with a hyperlink to my site: I started at $75 sales a month and for the past year now make around $2500 a month consistently. I spend 8 hours a week on promotion.

5. What does your book coaching service consist of?

No matter your income you can choose ways to get help from me. The client brings questions and we also brainstorm answers. I read the chapter or other submission before the call to give feedback, because this is the fasted way to succeed. For a book session here’s a sample of what to expect:

– You will get more clarity on what your message is and its value.

– You will learn a process to help you focus on what information goes where, so each chapter is not only clear and organized, but fulfills your book’s intention.

– You will learn some easy marketing tools before you finish your book, so you will be ready to launch a powerful campaign the day you finish writing.

– You will cut your learning curve by half, and make your book project doable.

=== – Coaching Packages are on my site:

– Authors can attend my affordable teleclasses.

– My latest offer is group coaching. These 6 week sessions are from committed only who want to finish their book within 6 months. Just email me for that information:

– Other offerings: My free monthly ezine, “The Book Coach Says…” Just email with “subscribe” in subject line.

– Read my up-to-the minute books that give you all the steps for you to be successful.

6. Tell us about your typical work day/week. How much of it is spent on your own work, tending your incredibly informative Web site, working with clients?

Each week I give 20+ hours to my 19 clients. With my assistant we promote through articles and email campaigns 20 hours a week. I write a new article and business tip every week. Always learning from others, I try out new promotions — about 10 a month.

7. What is your favorite part of your work?

I love every part of my work. I have fun with it all.

8. What have been your greatest challenges in establishing your business?

I think of challenges as opportunities. I am outgoing, so I feel relaxed at talking with “famous” people. I ask for help from mentors, and give back to them too.

9. You’ve worked with a lot of clients. When they come to you, what is their most immediate need? Is there a universal or common problem or weakness that you see among writers?

I see three biggest needs.

1. Emerging authors are disorganized about what goes where in chapter They need to read ch. 7 of my eBook, haha. I give them a format to follow so each chapter is consistent, compelling and takes only 3 total edits which gets the book to market faster.

2. They don’t know the difference between benefits and features of their books. That is a first “field work” assignment I give. Then we both brainstorm to expand the list. Benefits sell and features describe. Only benefits sell.

3. Another common problem among professionals is that they know their business well, but they don’t really know how to write for a busy audience who wants it simple, short and easy to read. I offer all new clients a report on “Write Like a Pro” which incudes how to overcome the biggest writing sins. Once a client applies this know how, they can write the rest of chapters faster. Your readers can see clients’ comments on my site in the coaching section.

10. What are your future plans either personally (any new bestsellers in the pipeline?) or professionally?

Since I’ve written so many books, I am sending out email promotion once a month to different egroups on each one. It’s a mini sales letter approach. I wrote a new book on this method too: “Create Your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz” –9 eBook Kit.

I want to encourage writers out there to just keep writing because you get so much better with practice. Stretch and submit your pieces. Get a lot of feedback. and enjoy your craft. Learn to love your computer too. Still a non-techie, but I learned so much over the past 2 years that has made me more successful.

Sincerely, Judy

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Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people’s lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Author of 10 eBooks including “Write your eBook Fast,” “How to Market your Business on the Internet,” and “Create your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz,” she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says…and Business Tip of the Month at and over 145 free articles. Email her at

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