Friday, September 20, 2024

Internet-Year One

Wow, I just realized I’ve been on the Internet for a year now! My how cyber-time flies.

It’s been a full-tilt year and, some days, it seems I’m quite upside down! Upon reflection though, I really have learned a lot in this year. I’ll share some of I’ve gleaned about the ‘net.

1. It’s not the information super-highway that I thought it was. True, there is a ton of information but much of it does not come to you free or easily. You need to be a master of keywords to use the search engines efficiently. The public library is as good a knowledge base, if not better, when you consider that you can also access the ‘net from there.

2. Much of what you find on the ‘net, you don’t really need. Furthermore, if you download everything you find and sign up for all that is offered, you are asking for trouble. All those free programs that do much of nothing will eat up all your space on your hard drive to the point where your computer will get constipation. You will receive spam in direct proportion to all those times you gave up your email address for yet another freebie.

3. Just like the small town where I live, the average person on the Internet is a decent, friendly person. However, just like the big city that I moved from, there are some real shysters and crooks out here. I learned the hard way to be sure I’m giving my credit card number at an https:// site and not just an http:// site.

4. It’s not as easy to get rich on the ‘net as the gurus would like you to think. No matter how many step-by- step books you buy and affiliate programs you join, you still have to put in a lot of hours and work to make a dollar. Even if many of them will give you sound advice, this is a rapidly changing media and what worked yesterday for them won’t necessarily work today or for you.

5. Building an opt-in list is not as important as the gurus would have you believe either. It is true that it’s not that difficult to do or I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish it but building a list and using it effectively are two different things apparently. The money I’ve made on the ‘net hasn’t come from my opt-in list and I don’t care if it never does.

6. You do not have to hire a $5,000 professional designer or spend two years in school to “do” a website. Coding a web page is actually rather easy as there are 38,498 free HTML tutorials available, This is because there are approximately the same number of domain registrars and web hosts and it is definitely in their best interest that you have a web site whether you actually have any need for one or not.

7. The Internet is addicting. You will make friends from places you could never have gone. You may see things you never imagined existed. You might find yourself getting by on less hours sleep than you really need just to find time for your ‘net habit!

Wonder Wyant is a retired carny and the editor of “Geeks,
Freaks and Bamboozles”, a free ezine about both the
carnival she retired from and the one she retired to.
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