Thursday, September 19, 2024

Integrating Search with Other Marketing Channels

Day two of the Search Insider Summit was full of great presentations and commentary, so be sure to read the frequently updated MediaPost Raw blog.

Integrating Search with Other Channels

Since many of the attendees of the Summit are the kinds of companies, marketers and agencies that employ various types of marketing channels, both on and offline, the opportunity to present examples and case studies of integration with search was ideal.

Some of the high level takeaways from this session include the importance for company marketers to set expectations when enegaging in an integrated campaign as well as the importance of coordination. Larger agencies that are capable of managing multi channel programs including search may have an easier time than a situation where a company uses multiple agencies to manage their various marketing programs.

The session included a good mix of agencies and search engines:

Nidhi Modi, Group Director of Search Engine Marketing, Carat Fusion
Julienne Thompson Hood, Director, Search Product Sales,
Eric Facas, SEM Channel Manager, Google
Kelly Graziadei, Senior Agency Development Director, Yahoo! Search Marketing

Moderator duties were carried by Rob Griffin from MediaContacts.

Rob Griffin: What are your overall thoughts on the need for integration?

Eric Facas: Integration is a huge part of search going forward. In the past many channels were operating in silos.

It’s not important to have one team to coordinate integration, but that everyone works together. Everyone wants a seat at the strategy table. More so from any other media, we can use information gleaned from search to benefit other marketing campaign.

Example: Google trends to assess your brand health, compare to competitors.

Search can be a proxy for success of offline media. Use search as a metric or sounding board.

Rob Griffin: What are some challenges with integrating search?

Nidhi Modi: Gave example of Rebok wanting to associate “Reebok” with running.

Users were driven to an interactive site to map running routes, download playlists. 90% of the time they used search to support the 5 market channels. Running in LA, Running in Boston, etc. Also employed humorous ad slogans:

Also used search as a push tactic, to attract tertiary queries, “shin spints”. Overall, paid search was used as a online support tool for other media buys and offline promotions. The measurement was audience engagement. Also used Yahoo Buzzwords (Yahoo Insight)

Rob Griffin: What is Yahoo doing to help advertisers integrate with search?

Kelly Graziadei: Gives example of a TV commercial that invites user to search Yahoo for “Special K“. There is a branded ad/search result at the top. Additional links are provided to other supporting content.

Rob Griffin: How do we make sure advertisers are getting the right messages in front of the right people?

Julienne Thompson Hood: There’s an importance to understand offline or online behavior. Behavioral targeting helps get stray users back to a desired action.

Users on sites that are part of an ad network are tagged (anonymously) and if they stray from a desired outcome, they are presented with a targeted ad to draw them back to desired actions. Behavioral retargeting has resulted in a huge increase in CTR and conversion rates as high as 300%. Advice to marketers is to make sure your vendors are providing the proper analytics.

Rob Griffin: Predicts that search teams are going to be the media buyers and analytics teams will be the media planners in the future. When you deal with agencies, who owns that?

Eric Facas: The key is coordination. There’s lost opportunity if coordination is not in place where multiple agencies are in place for various media.

Kelly Graziadei: Indviduals in your organization need to take responsibility for the coordination and not “pass the buck”.

Rob Griffin: How are your partners using tools like Yahoo Buzz and Google Trends?

Eric Facas: THere’s not enough uniformity on this. From a data standpoint, it could be an agency working with analytics solutions provider or an agency that offers analytics consulting.

Julienne Thompson Hood: If you’re on the client side, be sure to set reporting guidelines upfront.

Rob Griffin: Yahoo uses retargeting on your network, how do you use Yahoo buxx. Are you drinking your own Kool-Aid

Kelly Graziadei: Yes we do drink the purple Kool-Aid. We’re able to use registered user data to implement behavioral targeting. Affinities help Yahoo suggest other things the user might be interested in.

Example of Jet Blue responding to spikes in “Jet Blue” queries during some bad news about passengers being stranded on a plane. Jet Blue used search as part of their PR response.

Eric Facas: Helping advertisers determine the extent to which offline promotions are affecting brand queries on search. Example, changing creative in a print campaign might affect online search queries.

Nidhi Modi: Coordinate with other outbound communications such as TV and Press Releases so as to affect search campaigns before hand to take full advantage.

Rob Griffin: From a behavioral targeting perspective how do you plan for integration with search?

Julienne Thompson Hood: If a consumer interacts with retail situation, retargeting can be based on what search terms they used to arrive on the site. Then a banner based on that phrase can be presented to them.

Purchase history can be used for behavioral re-targeted. A behavioral targeted impression is much more valuable than a general ad impression.

Rob Griffin: what about measuring offline conversions from integrated campaigns?

Kelly Graziadei: It’s still early in the game. Cites a study showing up to 200% increase in offline sales and 100% increase in online sales.

Eric Facas: The holy grail of marketing is being able to judge effectiveness of each type of media. We’re getting close to comparing performance. Example, online video: online commercial VS TV commercial.

Nidhi Modi: We’d all love to have a tool that measures online and offline and something that factors in a multiplier that can tell us where to move budget. Carat has a tool/control panel that can capture multiple online channel performance data and over time, make basic budget reallocation recommendations.



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