Sunday, October 6, 2024

If I Had To Do It All Over Again

I’ve been marketing for almost 4 years now. I’ve spent a lot of money, wasted a lot of money; spent a lot of time, wasted a lot of time; listened to a lot of advice, followed a lot of bad advice.

I’ve gotten ripped off and taken to the cleaners. I’ve made money and I’ve lost money.

If I had to do it all over again here’s what I’d do:

1. Take some serious time to study and learn about marketing first.

2. Find a program that I knew I could get passionate about and have fun doing.

3. Get myself under a person who was making money and knew what they were doing…then follow what they said.

If I wanted to market exclusively online, I’d get myself under a guy like Frank Garon who knows what he’s doing and talking about.

Then I’d go to him and say, “Frank, I’m your student. You’re smarter than me…..instruct me and I’ll follow exactly what you tell me.”

“I’ll do it your way cause you know what you’re talking about.”

I’d read all I could get my hands on by guys like Robert Blackman, David Ledoux, Terry Dean, Marlon Sanders, Robert Kiyosaki, Dale Calvert and Jack Zuefelt.

I wasted a lot of time cause I wanted to play Frank Sinatra and “Do it my way.”

I wasted a lot of money cause I didn’t listen to the experts and do what they said.

I wasted a lot of time cause I got involved with too many programs simply cause I thought they would make me money and not because they were something I could get passionate about and fully embrace.

If I had to do it all over again I’d get smart first.

A year ago I got smart.

I looked at a network marketing company and spent 3 months evaulating it, thinking about it, taking my time looking over it and knowing I could get passionate about it.

I got myself directly under a man who had made $30,000 a month in network marketing. I listened to what he said.

I did what he said to do.

In a former offline business venture this man had also built a company from scratch to become the number one company in the world in it’s field.

He knew what he was talking about.

Within one short year of being under this mentor, I am now within the top 1% of reps with my company.

Because I did it his way, the right way…instead of my way…the wrong way. My old way wasn’t making me the kind of money I really wanted. My old way was the dumb way. I had to admit to myself I was wrong before I could listen to what he was telling me.

You see….I’m a dummy.

I didn’t do well in school. I flunked out of college after only two semesters to become a common ordinary laborer with a utility company.

I’ve spent the last 30 years on the seat of a John Deere tractor farming. I’ve got no special pre-qualifying skills to make me some super marketer, no above average intelligence. I know about tractors and cows and animals.

There are hundreds of you out there smarter than me, I promise you that.

But I made 3 good decisions:

1. I chose a company that I could get passionate about their products

2. I got under a mentor who knew what he was talking about

3. I admitted my way wasn’t working and then did what he told me and not necessarily what I wanted to do.

Now just how damn hard is that?

You can do that too.

If a big dummy like me can be successful marketing on the Internet, anyone can.

My question to you is: “If you’re not making the kind of money you really want and if you’re not passionate about what you’re doing…..are you willing to start over and do things the right way?”

Dave’s E-zine provides you with valuable info on how to market your online business and how to make money online. Get your FREE subscription today.

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