Thursday, September 19, 2024

IBM To Offer Design Services for Cell Integration

IBM will offer new design services to help companies integrate the microprocessor technology known as Cell into a wide range of electronics products…

…especially where image-hungry applications are critical, such as the aerospace, defense, industrial or medical segments.

“IBM’s new design services could have significant impact on expanding the number of applications that leverage Cell’s unique capabilities,” said Pat Toole, general manager, IBM Engineering & Technology Services (E&TS).

IBM E&TS clients using these new services will be able to access a Cell software simulation environment through IBM’s Deep Computing Capacity on Demand Center in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

The Cell processor, developed by IBM, Toshiba and Sony Group, is a breakthrough architectural design featuring eight synergistic processors plus a Power Architecture-based core, which provide unmatched performance levels in many computational-starved applications. It has top clock speeds of greater than 4 GHz, as measured during initial hardware testing.

“This is an example of IBM offering innovation on demand — helping manufacturers in a variety of industries solve their most challenging technical problems and create entirely new products,” Toole said.

Cell will not only boost the performance of applications and board-level products aimed at digital media areas such as movies and other home entertainment development, but potentially in government laboratories, digital security, higher education and deep computing, as well.

Each of these industry segments have ultrahigh speed communication, intense media processing requirements, and look for “enhanced realism” when it comes to imaging.

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