Friday, September 20, 2024

I particularly love the site reviews…

Dear Garrett …

I really appreciate the opportunity to voice my views.

1) First and foremost, the thing I like about the way you handle WebPro is that you give variety. You don’t constantly harp on the same topic or issue, and you don’t do a lot of “high pressure selling.”

2) I would appreciate your keeping the length down (less is more!). I find everything that you write interesting and helpful BUT… I have missed reading some of your issues because they appeared lengthy, and when I am under the gun (meaning extremely busy with my businesses), sometimes I just don’t have the time. I can always quickly scan a shorter e-mail (and save it for later if there is something relevant in it I want to read later), but I don’t always have time to scan a lengthier communication, so I (reluctantly) hit the delete button. Your keeping the issues short makes it possible to scan them quickly when I am pressed for time … I can go through an issue such as your Tuesday, January 28th, in less than a minute. And, if I have time, then I can read the articles in your “In This Issue” link section.

3) I like your tips and ideas on anything that helps to make my website more successful.

4) I particularly love the site reviews… they give me a structured chance to see what others are doing, what their problems are, and the opinions of others on how to solve/resolve the issues at hand … Of course, I love having the opportunity to voice an opinion, when I can find the time. I learn so much from the reviews, and I apply many of the ideas and techniques to my web and non-web based businesses.

5) I like ALL of your subject matter and sections and hope you won’t find it necessary to omit any of them. I find them all helpful, each in a different way. How can I say, that Peer Review is more important than Techie’s Corner or vice versa or with regard to any other of your features? Impossible!

So in inclusion, dear Garrett, can you keep each issue shorter, and rotate the content, or have links to the various features such as your “In This Issue” links. And, if a shorter issue puts a damper on what you have to offer, how about two SHORT issues in a week instead of one long one? I can handle that easily!

And please keep up the good work. I am not sure how I found you (or you found me) but I’m glad you did. I have eliminated some of the other newsletters I used to read in favor of yours and look forward to receiving WebPro News.

Grace Michael

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