Friday, September 20, 2024

I Found Jesus On Google Maps

Now I’ve really seen everything. Today, a British news source, Channel Register, showed me an aerial shot from Google Maps featuring a Shroud of Turin-esque likeness staring at me from a Peruvian sand dune. Oh-and a San Diego office building in the shape of a swastika.

I Found Jesus On Google Maps The face of Jesus Christ was spotted by Register reader, Lee Staniforth, staring out Cristus Gardens style into the Troposphere from a sand dune (or mountain?) in Peru.

Admittedly, it could be a likeness of Dumbledore from Harry Potter, or even Gandolf form Lord of the Rings, looking out over the sand with a long beard and pensive brow. But Jesus is a lot more fun. Really makes the Virgin Mary showing up on burnt toast seem like amateur hour.

Another interesting and much more disturbing shot comes out of San Diego. While an accidental Jesus in the sand is fascinating, and even somewhat chilling, an office complex that is shaped like a Nazi swastika, may prove more spine-tingling.

Though I couldn’t find it on my own, the article claims the building is known as “The Seal’s Lair” on Bougainville Road at or near the US Navy Exchange. An architectural accident or secret government endorsed/ignored statement? You be the judge.

Another article showed a Google Maps inquiry led to directions to the local brothels near Liverpool. I launched a similar inquiry into my hometown, Lexington, KY, and was strangely directed to the Mary Todd Lincoln House, the childhood home of former first lady and iconic President Abramham Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd Lincoln.

If you find yourself with some down time, it may prove to be some serious fun to see what else you can find. If you find anything interesting, e-mail us, or post your gumshoe discoveries in WebProWorld.

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