Friday, September 20, 2024

Hulu Adds “Coming Soon” Page

Catching episodes of your favorite show(s) on Hulu just became a little easier.  The site’s introduced a “Coming Soon” page so that early bird users can figure out when the stuff they want to see will actually become available.

One might argue that this is a very minor feature – essentially a redundant online TV guide, given that most Hulu users know episodes become available the day after they air.  Still, even if that’s the case, it should prove handy for folks who are new to the site.

Then there’s the idea that the Coming Soon page is rather significant.  After all, other than people who are unfamiliar with Hulu, the type of individual most likely to find it useful is someone who doesn’t watch traditional television.  Hulu might in fact be nudging folks towards viewing much more television online.

Or not.  Take your pick.

Anyway, Hulu took the opportunity to roll out a few new features along with the Coming Soon page.  A post on the Hulu Blog stated, “If you’re a registered user, you can request an email notification to alert you when a particular video has been added to  We’ll also alert you on the rare occasion when that video is late in getting up on  For bloggers and editors, you can also grab the code to pre-embed the video to your blog.”

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