Friday, September 20, 2024

How Well Do You Know Google Maps Street View?

You may know a lot about Google Maps Street view, but you might not know everything there is to do with it. Perhaps you don’t know much at all. Either way, Google has set up a new site with the goal of making sure everyone who wants to know has access to all of the information that they need regarding Street View.

This includes information on privacy, how to use it, where it is available, and some behind the scenes material about how they gather the imagery. The Street View resource is located here.

Street View tweet


Privacy is the word that is probably most commonly brought up in conversations and articles regarding Street View. Some people are creeped out by it, and some just plain don’t like the idea of Google trespassing on their property. Google provides the following video on Street View privacy and discusses key privacy points like:

– Public access only
– Images Not in real time
– Individuals and license plates blurred
– You can request removal of an image

Using Street View

You may know how to use Street View, but Google elaborates on a variety of personal uses and businesses uses that you may not have thought of. They highlight:

– Exploring the world
– Using it on a mobile device
– Checking parking availability and disabled access
– Showing people where you live
– Previewing vacation spots
– Business promotion
– Showing real estate listings
– Conducting virtual field trips
– Showing the location of a news story
– Scouting event locations

Where is Street View Available?

This is a section where Google shows you on a map, different places where Street View is available. It also lets you know the areas where Google’s cars are currently operating. “We try to make sure the information is accurate and kept up to date, but because of factors outside our control (weather, road closures, etc), it is always possible that our cars may not be operating, or be operating in areas that are not listed,” the company notes.

Street View Availability

Behind the Scenes

This section gives you a history lesson in Street View and explains a bit about the process Google uses to collect imagery, and organize it.

Don’t go to this site expecting new groundbreaking features, but if you want to become a little more informed about the technology that is Street View, do yourself a favor and check it out. That way, the next time Street View comes up in a conversation, you can show your friends how knowledgeable you are.

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