Thursday, September 19, 2024

How We Love Our Stories

I was browsing on the Internet this weekend and came across a great story. It was an article by Ruben Gonzalez, three-time Olympian, who calls himself “The Luge Guy.” He’s now a speaker on success, following your dream, and “becoming unstoppable.”

In the article he talks about living your dream and how important it is for motivation.

He says when he asks elementary school audiences if they have dreams, almost all the hands go up. When he talks to middle schools, only half the hands go up. With high school and college students, only a few hands go up. And, he says, when he talks to adult groups he’s surprised if a hand goes up.

What was really interesting is, I was just reading along, until I came to the part where he said he dreamed of becoming an Olympic athlete starting around 3rd grade, but got away from it and drifted until around college age when he became inspired by observing another athlete who made it against the odds.

Then I sat up and paid attention! Starting to prepare for an Olympic career in college is nearly impossible. And so I was inspired.

I’m always inspired by personal stories, aren’t you? Einstein being a poor student, George Washington Carver saying he talked to the flowers and that’s how they grew, Shakespeare, Eisenhower, Frost and Emerson overcoming the loss of their sons, and Maya Angelou’s stories about her mother.

Are you sharing stories with your clients and co-workers? There’s nothing as inspiring as hearing how someone else has gained resilience through adversity. Do share yours!

Susan Dunn, MA, Marketing Coach, Marketing consultation,
implementation, website review, SEO optimization, article
writing and submission, help with ebooks and other
strategies. Susan is the author or How to Write an eBook
and Market It on the Internet.
for information and free ezine. Specify Checklist.

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