Wednesday, September 18, 2024

How to Write A Dramatic News Release

Have you ever dreamed of what it might be like to have the limelight of the press interested in you?

Maybe you’ve tried writing a “professional” news release or even using a news release format taught in one of the many books covering publicity, only to find that no one cared.

Maybe no one besides you, your mother, and your employees.

Strength In Numbers?

Millions of news releases are distributed annually and most fall on deft ears, no matter how ‘professional’.

The reason is because most releases are boring. They lack personality. They are not news.

To improve your chances of gaining exposure your news release must be dramatic. It must appeal to the media’s interest for emotional impact.

Take a look at the subjects covered in magazines such as People, Us, and even The National Inquirer.

Those subjects grab attention. So must your news release if you want distribution.

A Little Conflict is Good

So what is the trick to writing a dramatic release that actually gets distributed beyond the garbage pail?

There are a dozen emotional angles that you can use. The best for gaining immediate attention is conflict.

Here are three fictitious (at least I think they are) subject headlines that use conflict to grab attention:

Five Examples

1. Jesus enters the White House and announces forgiveness of sins for all mankind, eliminates death and sickness, and even taxes. Satan enraged, uses terrorist tactics against anyone listening to Jesus.

2. Inventor creates fossil-fuel-free engine, 1000 miles before “refueling”. Oil companies livid, reportedly placed a “hit” on inventor. [or] vows to lobby against distribution of the new technology

3. Pharmaceutical company creates new, 100% safe and affordable, one- time use pill to eliminate pet pregnancies at a total cost of 10 cents each. veterinarians upset over loss of spay and neuter revenues.

4. Supreme court approves bigamy, women rights groups in protest.

5. Paris Hilton gets sex change, tired of men gawking at her.

Get the idea? Good.

Do As I Do…

Each of these examples is purposely extreme, to help illustrate conflict, not to offend.

Just like these examples, every product or service has an inherent “enemy”, some person, company or organization that is negatively affected by the success of the product or perhaps the success of its owner.

So before you write your next release ask yourself who would be upset or concerned with your success, your product or services success.

Then when you build a news release around your answer to that question you may finally find the paparazzi and the press pounding at your door!

Andre Bell is an author and marketing advisor. He runs an informational website that provides technology marketing tips and recommendations for Solution Providers, Computer Consultants, and Small VARs. Visit his official site at for his free 9-step technology marketing report.

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