Sunday, October 6, 2024

How To Turn Casual Online Visitors Into Eager Buyers

What else can you do? You’ve carefully selected or created a product to sell online that is in high demand.

Your website has been painstakenly edited to resemble a work of art.

You’ve setup your own follow on mail campaign and your marketing campaign is in full gear.

Your plan is to let your automated online marketing system take over while you leave for that much needed trip to the cottage for a week.

One little problem…

Sales are not what you had thought they might be. Instead of convincing 1 in every 50 or 60 visitors to take out their wallets, the disappointing truth is that you are barely seeing 1 in 200 part with their hard-earned money.

Suddenly, panic sets in. You begin to question your ability to earn even a meager living with online marketing.

Many of the great online marketers went through the exact same scenario. How did they escape and go on to make their massive fortunes online?

Simply put, they learned the Secrets of Persuasion and applied them to online marketing.

Take Terry Dean, creator of the best internet marketing related membership site on the net – bar none (, he uses a combination of superior value statement, strong credibility builders (pictures, case studies) , and excellent, results-oriented testimonials.

Another great example is Steve Manning’s “How To Write a Book on Anything In 14 Days or Less….Guaranteed! A Guide For Professionals”


A top producing online marketer, Steve persuades his visitors with a combination of intriguing headline, strong guarantee, very compelling testimonials and case studies, and by bringing out his own “inside market” experience.

Here’s 5 of the best techniques to persuade more of your visitors to buy your products.

1. Strong benefit statement in headline

You may have heard this tip before, and you will hear it again. Perhaps you have not thought of “Persuading” your visitors with your headline before. Think like your audience – what can you offer them that they badly want or need? How can you help them achieve their goals, or help them get what they want easier, quicker, with less effort and cost? Lastly, make sure your headline is followed by intriguing sub-headings, first paragraphs and benefit statements.

2. Personalize your information

Let them know who you are. Don’t tell them your life story, only include brief background or experiences that help you gain more credibility. You can often work this into a few line introduction, a separate “About Us” page, or by including a picture on your webpage.

3. Testimonials

Yes, they really do work. Start by getting two or three solid testimonials from people who have reviewed your product. I’ve found that a solid group of testimonials will more than double your sales – all other things being equal. Strive for a good balance between experts in your field of interest and your best customer responses. Work hard to help your customers after the sale will often result in the best testimonials.

4. Guarantee Plus…

You need a strong guarantee – that’s not new. However, what marketers are testing is “Super” guarantees that offer a full refund PLUS a bonus if they meet certain conditions. There’s two benefits using this technique: first, the conditions you lay out require that your customer demonstrate they have given your product a real chance, and second, you will get more sales by taking away even more risk from your buyers.

5. Increase Your Chances

Even the most impressive online experts will tell you they convert less than 5% of first-time visitors to buyers. They, better than anyone, understand the law of averages. Multiple exposures mean multiple chances to persuade your visitors to buy. Create follow up email campaigns including mailings, minicourses, ezines, etc… If you need a great autoresponder – here’s the one I;ve been using for almost a year now:

How many of these persuasion techniques have you mastered?

Discover how to create your own best-selling eBooks,
Special reports or books to sell online …AND keep
100% of the profits. Limited time complimentary access to
7-Part Minicourse will get you started quickly and
easily. Visit:

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