Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to Test Your Web Headlines and Web Site Home Page to Sell More Products and Service

A client asked me, at what point do you change your Web site when not making enough sales? Within a month. To get ready for the new Web pages:

Test your web site headlines and web home page content to be sure your sales message is strong. Use a casual marketing survey. Send different Web site parts and sentences to your close friends, associates, other writers, and editors.

Say, Dear friends and Associates, “I need your brain.” My Web site is not selling as well as I want. Will you rate each of these parts?

1) home page and sales letter headlines Which headlines convince you to look further at other site parts or buy my product or service?

2) the “who” I am. My purpose and benefits I give my clients or customers. Is my bio short enough to make room for what counts–benefits?

3) specific product and service benefits and features I use?. Which ones are the most powerful? Which ones convince you to order or buy?

Rate each question and part from 1 (low) to 10 (high). Of course, you will have great ideas yourself. Will you just add those to your email or fax? Here’s my contact information. Include street address, email, phone and fax.

Bring those visitors back for more, applauding you and saying BRAVO! They will create a buzz about your great site, and send you many more visitors through word of mouth. These visitors are your personal marketing force.

Complete—– writes:


(c) 2003 Judy Cullins. All rights reserved.


(c) Copyright 2003 Judy Cullins. All rights reserved.

When I send out articles to ePub that’s their style, but I’ll try this one today and see what happens. OK if I use this tip in my next ezine? Just send me your sig file to include with a link to your site. PS. I have over 95 of these circulating the net. Made me #2 in plus on 890 other sites with a link to mine. Powerful viral marketing. Not to brag but share the good news.

Sample new article

Category: Web and Online marketing/Under 500 words

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long s the signature box is included.

Word Count: 252 Words at 65 characters per line

Judy Cullins

P. S. To receive a list of articles by Judy Cullins (with autoresponder addresses) send an email to

How to Test Your Web Headlines and Web Site Home Page to Sell More Products and Service

(c) 2003 Judy Cullins. All rights reserved.

A client asked me, at what point do you change your Web site when not making enough sales? Within a month!. To get ready for the new Web pages here’s a tip:

Test your web site headlines and web home page content to be sure your sales message is strong. Use a casual marketing survey. Send different Web site parts and sentences to your close friends, associates, other writers, and editors.

Say, Dear friends and Associates, “I need your brain.” My Web site is not selling as well as I want. Will you rate each of these parts?

1. home page and sales letter headlines Which headlines convince you to look further at other site parts or buy my product or service?

2. the “who” I am. My purpose and benefits I give my clients or customers. Is my bio short enough to make room for what counts–benefits?

3. specific product and service benefits and features I use?. Which ones are the most powerful? Which ones convince you to order or buy?

Rate each question and part from 1 (low) to 10 (high). Of course, you will have great ideas yourself. Will you just add those to your email or fax? Here’s my contact information. Include street address, email, phone and fax.

Bring those visitors back for more, applauding you and saying BRAVO! They will create a buzz about your great site, and send you many more visitors through word of mouth. These visitors are your personal marketing force.

Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people’s lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Author of 10 eBooks including “Write your eBook Fast,” “How to Market your Business on the Internet,” and “Create your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz,” she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says…and Business Tip of the Month at and over 145 free articles. Email her at

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