Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to Steal What Works & Use It For An Unfair Advantage

One of the greatest ideas I’ve learned to help me with marketing is to create a ‘swipe file.’ This is a tried and true practice with direct marketers around the world.

A swipe file is a folder full of direct ‘junk’ mail that you think is effective. You keep this ‘junk’ and then copy what works in the ad copy when you go to write ads and sales letters. I have folders full of direct mail pieces sent to me through snail mail and e-mail folders full of it from the web.

Here’s how it works online. You subscribe to e-zines of people you respect or know are successful. You keep a file in your e-mail box to store most or all of the e-mail they send you. Why? Because these people make money by sending out e-mail offers and you want to learn how to do that too don’t you?

The best way to learn is to copy what works. Don’t re-invent the wheel. A lot of marketers have come before us and spent a lot of time, money and energy failing over and over before they learned how to do this right. We don’t have to have as steep of a learning curve as they’ve had.

Now, I’m not telling you to completely rip off someone else’s ads or sales letters. What I’m saying is to use the same structure and steal the words that are powerful motivators. Study the flow and arrangement of their e-mails. Notice what words make you interested. What makes you laugh? What makes you like them? What makes you want to buy from them? How do they make you want to read more?

For instance, what have I written that has caused you to read this far down the page? The art of copywriting is making your reader want to move on to the next paragraph and keep on reading. It’s working in this article isn’t it?

Whenever you get an e-mail that makes you click on a link to find out more then you need to keep that e-mail. It worked. It made you take action. Notice the language and tone they use. Pay attention to what is in their e-mail that you can use when you write ads and sales copy.

Also keep e-mails that turn you off and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes when you write. I keep e-mails from people I respect even when I haven’t read them. Why? Because I can look at the dates they sent them to study what frequencies are good to send out an offer and then follow-up offers. Then I read what they write to make me read a second e-mail about an offer I wasn’t interested in the first time. I notice what made me curious and then I use it when I write.

Hey, the hard cold fact is that a lot of regular Joe’s and Jane’s out there went from dead end jobs to well known copywriters for online marketing. They did it by studying and copying what works.

Most people are asleep to the fact they create their failure by ignoring how important it is to become a master copywriter. This is one of the biggest mistakes that online marketers make.

If you join an affiliate program and send out the same ad that hundreds or thousands of affiliates are using do you really think it will work? You have to be creative and write ad copy that stands out. Even if it’s for your own product – you have to know how to make someone buy what you’re selling.

Nothing is more important to your success than how well you write copy. I repeat, NOTHING is more important to your success than how well you write copy. It’s your first and last and only way to connect with a potential customer.

If you want more copywriting skills check out some free articles click here.

To learn more about copywriting skills from Ted Nicholas, the $500 Million Dollar Man click here.

To learn more about copywriting skills from Brian Keith Voiles click here.

I also highly recommend the free newsletter at . Though it focuses on press releases, there’s some great tips for sales writing if you read between the lines.

To wrap up, here’s what you need to do:

1. Go to websites of successful online marketers and sign up for their e-zines immediately.

2. Create a ‘Swipe File’ folder in your e-mail box and keep the e-mails you get from these marketers.

3. Scan these e-mails before you write ads and sales copy. Steal the words and structure that make you want to buy.

4. Make money from taking these actions.

5. Never stop learning.

Sopan Greene, M.A. is a 15 year marketing professional & editor of Net Profits. Get 3 FREE eBooks & a FREE report: “Born To Win,” “Million Dollar Emails”,”How To Start Your Own Traffic Virus” & “The 13 Deadly Internet Marketing Mistakes Almost Every Business Is Making…”

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