Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to Promote Multi-Level Marketing Businesses Online

Congratulations! You’ve taken your first step toward your network marketing career by finding the company that is right for you and getting started.

Now you need to learn to promote your business. Network marketing is a word of mouth business. We tell people about our products and business opportunity who tell others who tell others – and so it goes. Working online is much like working offline in that your best success will come from relationships that you have built.

Start by making a list of people that you know online. This would include family, friends and people that you have met through the Internet. Make sure that ALL of these people are your friends before taking the next step. Create an email telling them what you are doing and why you got involved. Be sure to let your excitement flow! You started this business because you were excited about either the products or the opportunity. Let it show! Excitement is contagious! Remember: DO NOT SEND THIS EMAIL TO PEOPLE YOU DON’T KNOW!

Getting Started There are several approaches that you can use with different people. Let’s look at them to see which ones you will use.

Opinion Approach Ask people whose opinion you value to look at the business, and give you their opinion about it. You MUST be sincere in wanting their opinion. Often people will see the value in what you have to offer. This is good for the professional or someone you are afraid to approach directly. Your wording might be: “I just started a home-based business and I’d truly value your opinion. Would you look at it with me?”

Direct Approach With the Direct Approach you speak directly about your products and/or business. Your wording might be: “I just started a home-based business with (your chosen company). I’d love to show you our products/business opportunity. Would you like to take a look?”

Warm Market Approach These are your closest friends and family. Usually your closest friends and family seem the most critical reason behind your decision to get started in business. Kim Klaver calls those people the “pukies”. It’s best to start them with products and then listen for clues that they would be interested in joining you in business.

Third Party Approach The Third Party approach is asking for referrals. This works very well when you are nervous about asking someone about joining you in business. Often when you ask the question the person will say “Well, I would.” Here’s the wording: ” I just started a home-based business with (your chosen company). Part of what I do is to help others make money. Do you know anyone who wants to earn some extra cash?”

Of course there are variations on all of these approaches, but practice these ideas until they flow. Once they are flowing, you will find yourself using them often.

Beyond your Warm Market Most of today’s network marketing companies allow their associates to sell and sponsor online. Often the company has a web site that you can purchase or you can create one yourself. Learning to promote your web site is a topic in itself, but there are some basics.

Build Relationships Building on the Internet is much like building off the Internet. You will be the most successful when you build relationships. There are a lot of Internet boards, opt in email lists and groups of people that you can become a part of. Start by searching for something that you enjoy at or Join one or more of these groups and make friends. DO NOT SPAM THE LIST WITH AN AD FOR YOUR COMPANY. First of all, this is in very poor taste and gives a bad name to our industry. Second of all, the list owner will most likely ban you from their list. As you make friends, you may find people interested in your product or business opportunity. You can help the process along by the use of a signature line.

Signature Lines Your Signature line on your email can be a mini ad. MOST opt-in lists allow a signature file even when they don’t allow advertising. Your signature line should have your name and your company as well as a link to your web site if you have one.

Profiles Many Internet communities such as and give you the opportunity to create a profile about you when you become a member. Other members often search those profiles looking for the right business opportunity or products from a specific company. If you have completed a profile, they may find you. On AOL, click on My AOL then My Member Profile. On Yahoo!, click on My Yahoo! And follow the instructions to create an account. Also look for local web sites that will allow you to create a profile. Try then pick your area. Become a local expert and review local restaurants and businesses. Soon your profile will rise to the top 10.

Free Classifieds There are hundreds of places where you can place free classifieds. While they are marginally effective, you can advertise all over the Internet free. These are most successful when you advertise constantly and in many places. To find these places do an Internet search on “Free Classifieds”.

Opt-in Paid Advertising A more targeted way to advertise online is in opt-in newsletters. This is usually paid advertising that goes to a specific group of people who have chosen to receive this newsletter. For example, if you run a business that would be perfect for young Moms, advertising in a Newsletter specifically for young Moms would be your target. So the first step is to find your target market. Then research by your market by searching for any sites that have newsletters that accept paid advertising.

Banner Advertising Banner advertising can be done as paid advertising or as a link exchange. The Link Exchange Banner Network can be found at You can also exchange banners with other online entrepreneurs who own a business that complements yours. Many sites offer paid banner advertising. As you surf the Internet, pay attention to web sites that would be a good market for your product or business opportunity then read their advertising policy.

Articles for Publication Write articles for publication on web sites or for inclusion in newsletters. Become an expert on your topic and people will come to you.

These ideas are some basics to get you started. The best way to succeed is to pick a few that you feel would work for you, and keep on trying them. As you become more experienced, pick another one and continue until you find the ones that work the best for you. Plan your daily activities and work your plan. That is your “secret” to success!

Shannan Hearne is the owner of and the co-founder of

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