Wednesday, February 26, 2025

How to Overcome your Computer? Part #1


Is your computer giving you a headache? Are you struggling to practice every new tip you learn? But it is just useless because it’s impossible to recall.

Do not panic! I will tell you about some vital tips and tricks that you will find very useful in your daily task with your computer.

On this and all future articles, I will try to give you hints about: computers, Windows, Excel, Word and such frequently used applications…

Let us start with the basics:


The Universal Select-All shortcut:

I use Ctrl+A to select all the text from an open file, web page or to select files on the Windows explorer. This is a powerful shortcut because it is quick and available on most of applications.

Just forget about “mouse drag” because this operation is very time-consuming especially on 2 or 3 pages screen.

Remember: “Ctrl+A to Select All”


The Shift key is like a magical wand:

You can do different and interesting things when you combine Shift with others functions. See rather:

-For a faster restart of computer, hold the Shift key while restarting Windows.

-To delete file(s) without landing on the Recycle-bin, hold Shift key while you delete those files. Thus, you do not need to remove them from there, which could be an extra work for you.

-If you hold the Shift key while you insert a CD on its respective CD-ROM drive, your computer will not play it. This is useful to avoid the automatic setup launch of some CD.

-To select many files or icons “on the fly” from the Windows Explorer, just select the first file on the list then hold Shift while you select the last one. You are done, all the files between them are selected now! The Multi-Select is an ignored technique but it is still effective.


Send files to my printer:

Do you want to use the context menu to print files? Ok, we can do that! Follow these steps:

-Click on the “Start” button, Open the “Parameters” menu, then go to “Printers” command.

-From there, copy the printer(s) icon(s) to the clipboard.

-Explore the SENDTO folder. The path is C:WINDOWSSENDTO but it depends on your Windows installation. Anyway, you can search for the SENDTO sub-folder of Windows folder.

-Paste the printer(s) icon(s) there. The system will tell you that only shortcuts can be created. No problem, it is all Ok.

You are done.

>From this moment on, every file can be sent to your printer for impression through its context menu and the “Send to” command!

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