Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to Market Your Website by Creating a Web Presence

Have you been worried about the dot-com crash and the future of your website?

Internet commerce is supposed to reach 5 trillion dollars by the year 2005 with over 1 billion global users, 15% of the world’s population! This is a 70% compounded annual growth rate from the approximately 350 billion that was spent in the year 2000. That is what I call opportunity.

Even though the Internet dot-com crash has wiped out a lot of web businesses, and the US economy is a little stagnate, Internet usage is experiencing an explosive growth. The dot-com people who received the venture capitol money and then mis-spent it, are gone, or in the process of leaving.

The Internet crash really doesn’t influence those of us who have smaller websites and didn’t go after the big bucks borrowing millions of dollars. Our sales at are still growing at the same rate as before the crash. The crash just leveled the playing field for everyone again, just like it used to be in the early days of the net. If you make your money selling Internet advertising, then you may have a tough road ahead.

To compete in today’s Internet market place, you must turn your website into a web presence. A web presence is about creating web opportunities, by expanding your luck base; this will attract strategic alliances, hopefully that become strategic trusts.

Marketing your business, on the web, is basically the same as marketing any real-world business. Most businesses in the real world take years to build. It doesn’t happen overnight. Years of hard work and luck, contribute to the success of all businesses. Marketing is something most of us small business owners have to do ourselves, as we can’t afford to pay someone to market for us. It takes a lot of effort and time to do it correctly. The same especially holds true for web businesses.

If you use the following simple instructions, in marketing your website, you will be successful. All my websites are successful and I have had a hand in helping others create this same success for many hundreds of websites. During the creation of Zeus over the last 4 years, I have watched many websites become successful and their webmasters have shared their stories with me. Every one of their success stories involves creating the web presence I am explaining now.

All business growth consists of opportunities that come along and business owners that hopefully see them as such and then take advantage.

To attract these opportunities, is the key to success, and is a combination of luck, hard work and common sense. Smart business managers expand on this luck base in various ways. In the real world, contacting people and telling them about your product, telephone solicitations, advertising, being in the phone book are all ways to expand your luck base. Giving your customers free information to induce word of mouth, being nice, having a good support area are other ways of expanding a luck base to create opportunities for good luck to happen to you. The ways of expanding your luck base is as diverse as the number of different kinds of businesses. Good luck leads to creating a buying customer or the formation of strategic alliances with others in your field.

Once you start forming strategic alliances with other web or business entities, your business starts to become a presence. Once a true web presence, you become one of the centers of attention or perhaps even THE center of attention for your industry. The new opportunities this creates mean more money.

The key is: from the beginning, look for the opportunities that expand your business. Plan on continuing through the life of your business to increase your luck base and attract opportunities. Some of these opportunities will turn into strategic alliances with others. These, over time, can become strategic trusts, each helping the other, reach their goals through mutual growth. As you grow, they grow and as they grow, you grow. In time every successful business, whether web world or real world, consist of these strategic alliances. You then become a presence or a force that people come to, so they can grow with you. This is what all business is about.

Strategic trusts are made up of energy, time, trust, communication and commitments towards these opportunities. Over time, as one learns to work with one another and you become dependant upon each other, the trust is born. Employees, other websites and webmasters, software, product suppliers, cgi scripts, advertising relationships, repair people, sales people, lawyers, accountants, customers, competitors, bankers and basically every person or mechanism you become involved with in your business becomes either a failed or successful strategic alliance. Successful ones are those that pay off in profit or helping you to reach your goals. The failed ones go away and gradually you collect the successful ones with your business also becoming successful.

How do you find successful opportunities? Whether you are a successful businessperson or one just starting out, think what it might take to be successful. In the beginning, in a real world business, if you have a storefront or an office, you may have to go out and build opportunities. An insurance salesperson that joins the Chamber, goes to church and is involved in their community is building a luck base for opportunities that enable them to sell insurance policies. They are building roads to their business. Thus, potential customers will call and visit when they need insurance. It’s a numbers game. The more people that know what the insurance salesperson does as a profession, the more sales that will be produced by the sales team. These roads could include 8 x 10 signs in the windows of other shops on your block. Running newspaper ads, banner advertising, etc, are also roads that point to your business.

It’s the same for your website. Build roads and have signs that point to it and keep building them. Never stop or your business will become stagnate. Then, you must have content that makes your customers keep coming back. With roads to your business, the visits will start immediately. Put enough signs up today and you will get a few visitors tomorrow. The more signs you put out, the more visitors you will get on any given day. If you have 100 signs out and you get 10 visitors a day, put out 200 signs and you will get 20 visitors a day.

What are these roads and signs to your website? The answer has been before you the entire time, links. The more links you have pointing toward your website, the more traffic you have. A business without signs is a sign of no business. A website without links pointing to them, is a dead website, period. I dare anyone to show me a busy website that doesn’t have links of some kind pointing to it.

Now that you have visitors arriving on a daily basis, you want to make sure they come back. You must have enough content or inventory that will make them come back again and again. Or have what ever it takes that makes them say, “Hey, I like this store. I’ll come back for sure. Let me remember this and it’s location”. It’s the return visitors that make your business or website grow. If 25% to 75% of your daily traffic is return visitors, add each days new visitors to the return ones and now your website or business is starting to take off. Giving your visitors content, information, knowledge and even products is a great way to insure visitors come back again and again. You may even decide to have your visitors provide the content. Chat and message boards are a great way to add content to your site. I like the html ones that actually make a html page for your site as the search engine robots like them also. Matt Wright’s WWWBoard is a favorite of many. Since they have the subject embedded in the Title and the page itself, they make great keyword tuned pages for your website that the search engines will find and dispense a lot of visitors to your business within 3 to 6 months.

Creating a link page or link directory is a great way of providing new visitors, opportunities, content for your return visitors and search engine traffic. Properly organized, tightly themed link directory pages can send your website thousands of visitors on a daily or weekly basis. These mini-search engines become immensely popular and it’s location is saved in thousands of browser favorites, especially if you have a way for your visitor to conveniently search for information with a search script. Once a visitor finds a link directory pertaining to a subject they are interested in, they return again and again.

You should require a reciprocal link to your site to be included, when webmasters request to be included in your website’s link page or directory. Websites want to be included and oftentimes you will get so busy adding websites that you don’t have to market anymore in other ways.

Traffic THREE ways! Your Link Directory is providing traffic from your reciprocal links, return traffic from it’s content and traffic from the search engines because of the individually keyword-tuned directory pages.

Reciprocal links do help your placement in search engine listings but the important thing is the link pointing to your website, not what it does for your website in search engine marketing. Too much emphasis is placed on search engine marketing and until webmasters understand this, they will never be truly successful. I always hear marketing experts talk about how link popularity improves your listing in the search engines. That’s a simple side effect but the important result is the qualified traffic you get from the link itself. Search engines are just one of a thousand different ways to get traffic. If you rely solely on them then you might as well be just relying on a listing in the WHITE PAGES Telephone Book in your real-world business. I’m not cutting the search engine form of marketing, I just think it narrows a webmasters thinking to just that. I have three very successful and profitable websites and if I just relied on the search engines, I would be making 4 cents for every dollar I currently make. Remember that a listing on a search engine is a link to your site that you cannot control. I call it passive marketing, waiting for visitors to come and leaving that decision in someone else’s hands, hoping for them to send you a trickle of traffic.

I do not spend much time optimizing my pages or on search engine marketing, especially with what I know now, since using the pay per click-through services, and owning so many keyword phrases, with all of those appearing in the number one spot. If I would have wasted time trying to influence them with page optimization etc, I wouldn’t have gotten any traffic anyway as I’m not getting the numbers I need now to survive by buying them. Search engines are only a piece of the whole in creating a web presence. It all adds up. If you rely on search engines for your visitors, you are depriving yourself of the opportunities you must have to be successful. Quit wondering how links will affect your listings with the search engines. It’s not how links affect the search engines; it’s the links themselves. One good link will send you a many visitors as the largest search engine. The search engines will wonder why so many links point to your website, then they will start sending you traffic. By that time, who cares? It’s nice but will only be a small part of your traffic.

Go out and put links to your site throughout the Internet. Don’t think too small by just considering normal hyper-links. Links can be anything as long as a user can reach your site through it. Reciprocal links, advertising, the printed page, search engines, word of mouth, people talking about you on the forums and message boards, banners, affiliate programs, writing articles giving yourself credit, referral scripts etc. All of these add up and are roads back to your website. No one of these will make you successful. If you rely on just one, you won’t have much traffic. Each one will bring you a little traffic and closer to your goals.

OK, so what happens now? You have the roads or signs pointing to your shop or website, content to make them return again and again, traffic from the search engines which everyone always wanted. Is this what it’s all about. Not even close, it’s just started 🙂 The opportunities of your Link Directory has become a strategic trust. One you can always rely on to continue driving you traffic AND opportunities. This is your motivation to continue. Roads to your site are what open these opportunities. You have to be able to see these as opportunities as opportunities, which is hard to do without common sense

After a few days, weeks or months, these strategic opportunities will come along. Someone is going to email you with a great idea, a partnership or something that will benefit both of you. The basic strategic alliance is the reciprocal link partnership. You’ll try it and if it works and both parties are benefiting, then you have another strategic alliance and after time a strategic trust when you learn to trust each other. It’s not just reciprocal links, as the more diverse kinds of trusts you have, the closer to your website’s goals you will become. You are now partners and as you grow so do they and vice versa.

What is a web presence? It’s all of the above and more. Visitors are flowing to you and opportunities are happening. It explodes somewhere along the way and you become noticed by the powerful people in your field. Now everyone wants to be involved with you and your website. You can’t stop it now, even if you wanted to. Instead of a steady logarithmic growth it becomes explosive geometric growth.

In the beginning, all new websites are like opening real-world businesses in the worst business location in the world. No one knows your website is even there. What do you do first? You get a telephone so you can get listed in the phone book. After applying and waiting a few months, your listing appears in the white pages. You expect visitors to call but they don’t. That’s because you relied on a passive listing in the phone book. A business won’t make it from such a small amount of traffic. You don’t spend all your time trying to increase your visitors from the phone book listing so why do it with the search engines. Do some active marketing and go out and get your visitors. Search engines are nothing more than phone listings in the phone book.

Aha you say, let’s get a yellow page ad or in web terms, lets start paying for our click-thrus from the search engines. Notice the analogy between the phone books and the search engines. is in the top three listings for every keyword phrase we could think of, pertaining to reciprocal link marketing. It accounts for 4% of our sales. Scary isn’t it? We own all the keywords and phrases we want, on 75% of the search engine queries on the net, and we only get a handful of visitors and sales from them. It does pay for itself and makes us a little money. If there is one lesson to learn about the search engines, it’s quit thinking so much about the search engines and get out there and market yourself and your website.

The key to being successful on the net is creating a web presence. Creating your own luck and making those opportunities happen is how you become a web presence.

One of our first Zeus Internet Marketing Robot users once said:

“Well, my friend…all these encounters would NOT have been possible if it were NOT for Zeus!!!! I’ve left out many untold stories’ which happened on account of me dispatching the notification letterAgain, without Zeus…or something like Zeus…the generation of this kind of activity’, connection’, interface’, etc., WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE!!!!!! I’m telling you this as and aside from the generation of traffic/links’…there’s REALLY things that happen’ which are FAR more important as a result of using Zeus. ”

Link Long and Prosper!
David Notestine
Creator of the Zeus Internet Marketing Robot

The author of this article is David Notestine, the creator of the Zeus Internet Marketing Robot, rapidly being recognized as the best automated website marketing software on the Internet. His radical views are being embraced by webmasters throughout the web, as the truth about website marketing. Mr Notestine is also the creator the world’s first collective search engine:

Zeus, an easy-to-use, intelligent, Internet marketing robot that builds a search link directory and creates reciprocal links for your web site. A totally new concept in generating web traffic, this revolutionary software product has features and benefits that enable it to create traffic to your web site, in numbers beyond your wildest dreams. One good reciprocal link can give you the same traffic as a major search engine and, with a Zeus robot, you can have thousands of reciprocal links. Zeus generates both new and return visitors to your web site.

To visit David’s site:

Content has been reprinted with permission of the author. First appeared in 1999-2000 David Notestine, all rights remain with author.

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