Thursday, September 19, 2024

How To Make 5 Times as Many Sales

Let’s play make believe:

Let’s pretend you have a website which sells executive nose-hair trimmers (“The Gift that Gives All Year Long”) and you are getting 187 visitors per day. Your average sale is $29.95, of which $19.72 is profit.

Let’s also pretend that you close one sale for every 254 visitors (a close rate of .4%).

So, your website is making almost $.08 per visitor in profit. A nice little $450 or so per month.

But what if there were a “magic tool” that would increase your close rate from .4% to as much as 2%? That would mean those same 187 visitors per day would make you $2,200 in profits. Over the course of a year that would earn you an additional $21,000 for roughly the same amount of work.

There is a magical tool, and it’s called autoresponders.

Autoresponders are simply automated email robots which will send out a pre-set email at a given interval to email addresses “fed” to it. By putting in an effective series of follow-up messages, it can increase your close rate by as much as 10-fold.

They can be the difference between success and failure online.

There are a number of ways to utilize autoresponders–you can do everything from sending out your newsletter to handling customer service–but the real money-making tool is in automated follow-up. Here’s how they work:

When someone visits your site, you give them an incentive to sign up for your autoresponder–you can see our incentive here:

Then, at regular intervals, you have your autoresponder automatically send them reasons to “take action now and buy” messages. Think about the incentives you can use:

* Send a special discount link if they take action.

* Offer an additional bonus.

* Remind them of what they may have already missed–and how they will continue to miss out if they don’t take action.

* Remind them of your key benefits.

* Offer a free trial.

The list goes on and on.

Adding this type of follow-up can drastically increase response–and make you much more money for every person who visits your site.

I have put together a complimentary report on how to effectively use autoresponders [including the keys anyone can use to create messages which catapult sales. Grab up your copy here:

To see our current recommendation on autoresponder services, go to:

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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