Thursday, September 19, 2024

How To Make Time To Write

When we don’t take the time to get our writing done, it’s because we don’t make the time. It’s what separates the doers from the talkers. Or in this case the writers from the wannabe writers. You’re left with one decision countless times a day. Will you write or not? Each time you choose not to write, you lose another opportunity that’s seldom grasped again.

Can’t schedule those kids around your writing? Everyone knows it’s great to spend quality and quantity time with your children. It helps everyone live happier lives. But you don’t have to give every free hour to them. They like to have time alone too. And you’re also teaching them the value of giving another their own space for a while. This will also work in appreciating each other and children becoming more respectful of others. You don’t have to give your life to your child, rather give life to your child.

There’s no such thing as writers block. When you imagine this wall that’s blocking your writing ideas, it’s only you creating it. Stop doing that. There are lots of ways to shift your attention so that your writing flows again. Think of something you know about or find interesting. Then write down all those thoughts that follow. Now make it into a story, article or poem. Your choice! You’ll be happily surprised by the results.

If you insist that you suffer from writers block, ask yourself why you don’t want to write. What fear beckons you away from the page? Check back to see what the last thing you wrote about. There might be something there that triggered it. Often it’s our own self-sabotage habits that keep us from writing and succeeding. Keep them in check.

Get in the habit of jotting down your ideas. These inspirations often surface unexpectedly. Make sure you secure them immediately. Keep a small notepad devoted only to ideas. I have a small 3-ring binder that I’ve even named ‘Idea Book’ that I artistically wrote in gel ink and use it exclusively for this. This book will also help you get rid of the notion there ever was writers block.

Take time to plan and organize. You function much better when you organize to some extent. You don’t have to be obsessive but having some structure in your day helps you be more productive. When you get up each morning and contemplate on your affairs of the day include a time slot for writing. Choose a time when you feel sure you won’t be interrupted. Throughout the day make note of any ideas that pop up to write about later. These are whispers from your muse. Great treasures can evolve by doing this.

A great time for writing is shortly before you go to bed or get up in the morning. It’s also the time when our minds are clearer and most receptive. During the rest of the day our brains are usually inundated with chatter. We’re often not in the moment when we’re going through our routines, but rather thinking of things yet to do. You need to choose a time when other thoughts aren’t going to interfere with what you’re writing. Generally this is before or after sleep.

Don’t wait for the ‘perfect time’ or you’ll never write. Just like you take time for reading, television, the computer, so can you make time to write. The perfect time is always when you ask yourself ‘What’ll I do now?’ When you find you’re choosing something to do, always think about whether it’s better to be doing that, or writing. This will help in getting more writing time.

Don’t let excuses stop you from living your dream. It’s tough being a writer and dealing with those countless rejections. Failure only happens when we give up. If you want to succeed, think writing, do writing and be a writer.

2002 Dallas Franklin
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