Thursday, September 19, 2024

How To KNOW You Will Make A Profit

When you are about to offer a product for the first time, how do you know whether or not you will make a profit? After all, there are huge variables to consider and advertising isn’t cheap.

Here are the exact methods I use to evaluate my products and advertising BEFORE I ever commit to them. While there are rare exceptions, using these methods has almost always made me a profit.

PRINCIPLE ONE: Ask and You Shall Receive

If you are going to buy advertising in an ezine, on a website or even in print, ask for a list of previous advertisers before you buy. Make sure to contact those who have similar products to yours and see how their ads worked for them. Chances are if they are disappointed in the results, you will be too.

Wondering if the affiliate product you are about to promote will sell? Ask some of the other affiliates for the company how much it is making for them. Often this will be an indication of the product will do for you.

PRINICIPLE TWO: Don’t Fall In Love

I’m in love with my wife, my kids and sometimes my dog, but I am NOT in love with any product. Even if the product is “your baby,” don’t fall in love with it. It will cause you to spend money and time advertising something that is not making you money. Always remember the old adage: “Love is Blind.” Don’t put on blinders when it comes to your products-if they aren’t making money, dump them.

I recently was putting together a pay-per-click campaign for a product I thought was super. I mean I REALLY liked this product. Problem was, I couldn’t make the numbers work. For me to promote this product at a reasonable profit, I needed to sell TWICE AS MUCH as I estimated would actually sell. It was hard, but I had to let it go.

PRINCIPLE THREE: Treat Lincoln Like Washington

When it comes to spending money on your business, treat pennies like dollars. Before you buy that $19 ad, do your homework. A wasted $20 is still a wasted $20.

PRINCIPLE FOUR: Believe in Your Product

If you represent a product, whether it is your own or someone else’s, make sure you believe in it. Are you trying to sell a product you have never seen? Don’t try it. One of the reasons I give a HUGE DISCOUNT to my affiliates is so they will actually go through my products. You can find out about that here:

When you are trying to promote a product you don’t believe in, your insincerity will show in the ads you write. Don’t do it.

There you have it, four ways to make sure you profit from your product. Follow these principles and you are much more likely to see solid profits from your efforts.

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Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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