Monday, September 16, 2024

How to Guarantee Online Success

If I could guarantee an online income from your business meeting all your criteria for time demands, size and lifestyle, how much would you pay for it? $10K? $50K?

How about free?

If you will embrace these three characteristics of success, you will find the journey much easier–and you are certain to achieve whatever level of success you choose.

1. Commitment to Profits rather than Products.

Many people lose site of the goal: a profitable business. Instead they latch on to a product they think “ought to work” rather than a product that DOES work. By having a commitment to profits, you will be able to dump products that are not making a profit for a reasonable amount of effort.

2. Commitment to Promotion over Perfection.

Some of my students struggle with this–they have to create the perfect product, the perfect website, the flawless article.

Guess what–the only website that sells is one that is done. If you spend three days creating a mediocre website and six months promoting it, I guarantee it will make more money than a perfect website you took six months to create and spend three days promoting.

3. Commitment to Perseverance over Everything Else.

This is the single most important characteristic of successful people: They Stick With it. Adversity comes to us all. Successes recognize this fact and keep going in spite of the adversity. Failures make excuses and give up.

Want your business to be a success? Focus on profits, promotion and perseverance and you will most certainly succeed.

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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