Thursday, September 19, 2024

How To Create A Sales-Pulling Order Page!

Have you ever been at an order page, ready to enter your order information and…

You were suddenly interrupted and never did end up ordering?

You hesitated ordering because you would have to stop and go find your credit card?

You put off the purchase because you had too much time to think “I really can’t afford it right now, I’ll wait?

You procrastinated thinking I can order it later and never did?

Like you, I’ve done all these things at least once. Your selling shouldn’t stop at your ad copy, it should continue to your order page. Nothing is for sure until they click the little “buy now” button.

Here are seven ways to accomplish this:

1. You could offer extra bonus products on your order page. This will enhance your product’s overall perceived value.

2. You could summarize your total offer on your order page. Repeat all the major benefits, features and bonuses they will receive.

3. You could include a limited time offer on your order page. It could be a “today only offer” for a special bonus.

4. You could include some extra testimonials on your order page. Use one or two of your customers’ testimonials that include specific results.

5. You could tell your prospects what will happen if they order or don’t buy the product on your order page.

6. You could include a powerful guarantee on your order page. Give them a lifetime or triple your money back guarantee.

7. You could include a surprise discounted price on your order page. Just list your regular price and then offer a discounted price right below it.

In conclusion, these are just a few of the ways to keep selling on your order page. Be creative, and come up with your own strategies.

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