Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to Copyright your Website and Ebooks

There is a lot of information theft on the Internet. Unscrupulous people think they have the right to copy your information and put it on their website or information product. To protect yourself against this theft you should copyright all your work.

(1) How to Copyright your Ebooks

Put the Copyright symbol (c) on the front of the book with your name and date. Print out a copy of the Ebook and mail it to yourself. Do not open the envelope. Keep it sealed and store in a safe place. To add extra legal protection, include a copy of the front page of that day’s newspaper.

Then if you need it in future for any legal proceedings, you have proof of your copyright ownership.

(2) How to Copyright your Website

On your website, put the Copyright symbol (c) on each page with the date. Print out a copy and store in a safe place.

(3) How to Copyright your Articles

The same applies. Put the Copyright (c) at the end of the article with the date and your name. Beware websites using your article and changing the links to your website or affiliate program in your resource box.

You can check this by typing the title of the article into a search engine and examining your work on other websites. If you find your article with someone else’s links, complain to the site immediately. If these links are affiliate links, inform the affiliate program manager about the theft. Any reputable affiliate program will expel these thieves straight away.

So take time to copyright your work properly and avoid any nasty surprises in the future. There is nothing as heart breaking as seeing your labour being used to line other people’s pockets.

(c) John Lynch 2004

(C) John Lynch

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