Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to Choose Your Reputable Domain Registration Service

Years ago we registered our first domain name with the only show in town — InterNIC. They were expensive and not consumer-friendly — can you spell “monopoly?” Then we registered two more domain names with them. Expensive…but OK…if that was all we wanted to do. They would charge us to sell one of our domain names…monopolies can do this!

Then, they followed the fate of MaBell. Government stepped in and allowed competitors in the Domain Registration business.

If you feel more secure sticking with a name-brand with a long track record, register your domain name with them. However, do check their prices…still higher than their competitors who offer identical and sometimes superior service — ( ) — Domain Name Registration Pricing. Deregulation forced them to be more competitive. But they charge more…relying upon their “brand name.”

We moved our three sites over to Terrasite…about half the price we were paying…and no charge for selling off one of our sites. Hooray! for competition! And a level playing-field!

More Domain Register companies have since set up shop in CyberSpace. Some are very good. Others are very questionable.

After beginning our quest for our ***perfect CyberSpace profession where we could do nothing! and make a whole lot of money! in a month! and be set for the rest of our lives***, we registered 2 more domain names.

We approached Terrasite. Did they have an affiliate program where we would make money every time somebody registered through us? Or when we registered more sites? No response after several tries. We guess they found their niche market and their ***perfect CyberSpace profession where they do nothing! and make a whole lot of money! every day! and are set for the rest of their life.***

So…we registered these through one of the I-Marketing gurus we like. Better through him than with a faceless big operation which doesn’t answer emails.

We pursued our learning curve over the months. Not guru-material yet…but we can dream. Isn’t that what makes life interesting?…pursuing a good dream? So…we plan to register many more domain names…all will help us expand our business(es). We want a reasonably priced credible service…and not consumer-challenged.

We searched in Google. We searched Whois. Note: We like using — ( ) — Whois Source: Domain name search lookup that allows a wildcard search of all current/deleted/expired whois domains. It is EZ to use and results are good.

We are trying out what we feel may be the right one for us — Domain Direct — ( ) — The Easiest way to Register, Build & Host your Website!

Why do we feel good about them? They are affiliated with Tucows. Tucows are good people and have been around for many years. We used to visit them for a lot of free downloads — back in the days of DOS 5.0. There were similar operations out there, but Tucows always had it together and was consumer-friendly.

Also, they register your domain name with ICANN. Find out more about the importance of ICANN — ( ) — The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. This is the Master Registry of all domain names — somebody has to do this in order to keep order.

Terrasite gave us no problems transferring our Registration over to DomainDirect. We are conservative. We left our other two domains with Terrasite — let’s see how DomainDirect works out. These two don’t need to be renewed until 2004…we have time.

When we tried to move one of the two we had registered through the “guru”…we had to threaten the service we would report them to their state’s Attorney General. We copied everything to the guru…who may have marketed the wrong service…honest mistake. They finally let it move over to Domain Direct. Hey…it’s *our* property, it’s *our* money…it’s *our* choice of where we do business.

NOTE: When you change registrars — begin 2 months before your expiration date. That gives you time for “screw-ups” along the way. Basically, if you are paid up and request your move outside of 30 days…there should be no problem. If you move at the last minute, some registrars will charge you another year as a penalty. Also…when you move to another Registrar, you don’t lose money — your original date of registration gets credited over. So…you pay for a year. Your date of renewal is at the end of that year plus the remaining time you have left.

The “guru’s” registrar offered renewal for half their fee if we stayed with them. Our experience with them dictates we walk away and never look back. We voted…with our feet and our wallet. There should be no problems when we move our other site…

We feel good about DomainDirect. We have an affiliate relationship. Yes…we get a little commission every time we register another domain name. And…every time somebody registers through our affiliate link. DomainDirect pays affiliates when $100 in commissions is accumulated. This equates to every time 8 new domains come through us, we get $100. Ain’t much…but it helps lower the cost per each domain name we register for ourselves. If you plan to register 8 or more domain names…it is worth your while to become their affiliate.

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Robert Leggett has over 10 years experience marketing the scuba industry over the Internet. His focus has changed. Robert works with individuals and business owners all over the world. He helps them succeed in business and achieve financial independence. Visit him at – Subscribe to his “Free for Life” newsletter – “CyberSpaceMarketeer” – Receive your Free eBook.

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