Wednesday, September 18, 2024

How To Become An Expert In One Easy Lesson

When I took my first job as a newspaper reporter, I became an instant expert!

I was sent out to cover a story and had to quickly compile the facts and then present them in a way in which the average reader could understand them.

Then, if that was not enough, I was often expected to offer instant analysis on the event. And sometimes even answer questions – when city officials, and others called for information. Because, afterall, at the moment I was the expert. I knew more about the subject than most people.

And that’s basically what an expert is. It’s someone who knows more about a particular subject than the average person. Usually this expert is also successful using the knowledge that he or she possesses.

Sometimes just writing an informative or authoritative article or book can turn you into an expert.

Other times an “expert” has studied for years to gain their knowledge.

Whatever it is, it works and they are instantly successful using and presenting this knowledge to others! And people find their information useful and helpful and return to learn more.

1) Use Research To Increase Your Knowledge

When I was in college I had to write term papers. A term paper involved hours and hours in the library researching a particular subject.

When you were through, though, you felt like an expert!

Anyone asking you questions about that subject could get instant answers from you.

What I’m saying here is that you can become an expert by doing research.

Research the topic, study it, and learn all you can!

Then put together the pieces – almost like writing a term paper, or putting together a jigsaw puzzle (remember how you put together that term paper or research paper in school).

My 11 year old son recently did a report for his fifth grade class about World War II. Because he had done the research and knew more about the subject than his classmates, he in essence, was the World War II expert in his class. His classmates could ask him questions and get answers on this topic! He knew more than they did about World War II!

The more you know on a particular subject, the greater your expertise! But you don’t have to know everything about a subject to get started! You can often learn as you go along. Just the fact that you know more than most people about a particular subject will begin to make you an expert in their eyes.

But don’t bluff (pretend to know something you really don’t know). Because when people find out, your expert status will vanish in an instant!

2) See What the Experts Are Doing and Do Likewise

One of the quickest ways to succeed is to see what those who are already successful are doing and then do likewise.

This may at times involve a great deal of research to uncover what it is that they are doing.

Other times they will just tell you if you ask.

Don’t copy directly what they say or what they have written. But like the research paper, you can write about and present information on what you do know that is already in your head. And remember to always give credit where credit is due!

Check Your Facts

Like any good reporter worth his “salt”, make sure you check your facts and get them right!

There’s nothing more aggravating then to wake up the next morning and discover you got one of your facts wrong and to be called on it!

In Summary

Becoming an expert really is not all that difficult. It just takes time to research and to learn.

But remember, nobody starts at the top. Everybody has to begin somewhere to build their knowledge.

But once you do, then you are in a position to teach others.

You will have become an “expert” – because others will look to you to learn the knowledge that you possess.

And they will listen to you, too, because – afterall – you possess the knowledge that they are lacking and wanting!

Ron Knowlton is a former journalist and the founding editor at “Articles To Boost Your Success Online!” Subscribe to the Soaring Profits Success Ezine! Like a free monthly internet marketing course by email! Eight great lessons each month! Subscribe: htm

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