Friday, September 20, 2024

How to Beat Your Fears

If you are not getting the results you want online, I’ll bet the reason is fear.

Before you disagree, let me explain what I mean:

I’m not talking about the “run away and hide, there’s a monster under my bed” type of fear. Instead, I am talking about an almost imperceptible, most often “masked” type of fear.

This type of fear is the inner demon often causing us to spend so much time perfecting our website, we never do anything to get traffic to it.

The type of fear that causes us to come to the end of another day, another week, another month without getting done that “one last thing” keeping us from getting our product done, our site up.

The fear causing us to be deaf to the solid advice we receive and do just the opposite.

If you have been online for any length of time and haven’t been making pesos, chances are you are victim to this anonymous fear.

Here are some keys to overcoming that fear:

1. Make a list of the fastest path to getting your site online and selling.

By listing the individual tasks you need to do, you suddenly have a clear path to run on. Focusing on these few things will keep you from getting easily distracted by all of the unimportant minutia.

If you don’t know how to put together this list, here is a list of resources you can use to learn how:

2. Make yourself accountable to someone who believes in your eventual success.

This ingredient alone might solve the problem.

By sending your list to someone else who agrees to hold you accountable to getting these things done, you create a higher level of motivation to actually get them done.

3. Give yourself clear rewards for accomplishing each step-and don’t reward yourself until you get there.

For each of the steps, identify a meaningful reward you will give yourself for getting it done. When you get your website done, reward yourself with dinner out.

Follow these three steps and you will likely find yourself able to overcome those obstacles holding you back. For more information about staying on track, you can download this free resource:

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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