Wednesday, September 18, 2024

How To Avoid Employee Disaster


It’s a business nightmare that happens all too often. The new employee turned out to be a disaster of just slightly less than Biblical proportions. Instead of being the competent, skilled worker that appeared at the job interview, the person was more like the spawn of some renegade demon. Instead of enduring the worst, it’s imperative for an employer to make sure the person hired, is what they seem on the surface.

A job interview is somewhat of an artificial event. While that statement might strike some people as absurd, let’s look a bit more deeply into the event. A person, known only to the interviewer from a resume, appears at the office door. They will usually be dressed well, and be quite polite. Based on some vague first impression, the person may become your employee for years. It’s crucial to look beyond the first glance, and delve a bit more deeply into your future staffer’s past.

Interviews for new hires should be conducted by the person’s future supervisor or manager. This is especially important for technical positions. While Human Resources personnel can often do a fine job in selecting general employees, they often lack the technical knowledge to choose the right skill set for technology jobs. For a small business, the owner or top manager can take care of the interview process if the person reports to them. The key is to have the supervisor select her own staff people.

In the interview, be sure to include some technical questions that sift out anyone not qualified for the position. Job seekers will often inflate their skill levels on their resumes. It’s up to the interviewer to delve into the applicant’s technical knowledge. A person attempting to pass themselves off as skilled, in a field where they lack expertise, should be viewed with some suspicion. An exception to this rule is the employee who admits a lack of knowledge in that area, but expresses a willingness to learn the new skills.

Create a series of questions that bring out the entire person. While technical questions are important, it’s essential to examine the person’s creativity and problem solving skills. Ask some questions in the form of a problem, and see how the applicant responds to them. Other important questions involve ethical situations. If a person demonstrates a lack of ethical behaviour, they might be wrong for your company. Personal interests are also an area where beliefs and practices may be uncovered that may not be in tune with your company’s culture as well.

Beware of any job applicant who badmouths their previous employer. All they are saying to you is that you will be the next evil one on their list. Employees who speak ill of former companies are also very likely to make yours a very unpleasant place as well. Be sure to check references. While it is not legal to ask some types of questions, very often the obvious question, of whether the person even worked at a company, will reveal some rather unsettling results. Not every resume is the truth, the whole truth, or even something that resembles the truth in barely the most peripheral way.

Good employees are out there for your company. The important factor is to select the right people, and avoid the employees who should come complete with their own headache remedies.

Job interviews are important. Treat them as such.

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