Thursday, September 19, 2024

How “Real” is Your Infoproduct Idea?

A 10-point checklist to help you be real with your idea first!

1. Can you make money from this idea? What is available in the marketplace now? Is your market large enough to generate the revenue you want? Do you have the contacts to make that happen?

2. Do I have enough attraction to the idea? You don’t need to have all the answers. You don’t need to know exactly what you are going to write about yet or all the answers on how to create this. What you want is to collaborate with the Universe on this idea and allow all what you need to emerge when you need it. Yes, you need trust in this and you might need to dance around the fears and doubts as well.

Give the idea enough trust that either it will be a complete idea upon itself or it will emerge itself into another idea to be upon each other. Walk from a curious state of mind and enjoy the journey. The journey itself is a story that others want to hear as well.

3. List of 10-20 places where you can market this idea. If you don’t have the places to market, then your focus needs to change to finding those places first and having them written down and ready to go when you need them. When this foundation is set the creativity of ideas flows more naturally and the fears and doubts are much quieter.

4. List of resources where you can research the topic. When you list search engines — Yahoo, Goggle, what keywords or phrases are you going to search on? Begin a list of those keywords. Complete the research stage before drafting. You will want to outline and draft first and use this technique to fill-in. If you are unable to find enough information, can you interview experts? Call local colleges or university.

5. Identify at least 5 problems or challenges this market is experiencing now? Make a list of each problem or challenge. Next, draft up the solutions that you have for those problems. Do you have exercises, stories that you can share, or forms?

6. List of 5-10 benefits they will receive from reading this information. Then flush out (writing) what you will tell them in response to those benefits. Complete this process one-by-one. This point and identifying the problems and solutions will develop into your outline.

7. List of your competitors on this topic. Who are they? Read all their material, or print it out and save it for the research stage. What angle are they using? Do you have a different angle? If so, what is it? Clearly, define that angle.

8. Create a unique domain name if you plan to be set up a one-page marketing web site.

9. List of people that you can discuss the idea with that will listen positively. Schedule time to explain your idea to them. This will help flush out the idea and some angles or features you haven’t thought of yet. Allow the energy on the call to flow freely by recording the conversation and catching additional details when you listen again.

10. List 5 to 10 people that you can receive testimonial support from, and then ask them. Ask before forwarding the infoproduct. Always tell them your timeframe so they can evaluate their schedule before committing.

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Catherine is a veteran entrepreneur and communications
master coach. Additional articles, newsletters, workshops,
and other information is available at:

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