Saturday, October 5, 2024

How I Built My First Downline

I guess it would be safe to say that 99.9% of everyone in our particular industry is involved with network marketing in one form or another. But as a Prime Source, I have never joined any network marketing programs in the past because I was too busy developing and promoting my own products and services. Additionally, it also bothered me that I didn’t have control over the product and the company could easily rip me-off without me knowing about it.

However, back in 1996, I was looking for a way to save money on my long-distance service and after 2 months of intensive research found the best one to suit my needs and joined it.

After joining, I tested the program out for a few months before recruiting it. I had 2 colleagues join my downline only to test the payment of commissions. When I was convinced the company was sound and well organized, I then started building my downline. Within only 12 weeks, I signed up 102 people. Here is how I did it:

Ran a full-page ad in the Network Trainer. (Income Opportunities, Cutting Edge and Home Business Magazine are equally as good.) Although the investment was in the neighborhood of $500-$700, I obtained 26 new sign-ups from this one ad alone.

I designed camera-ready ads, wrote an article about my personal experience with the company (telling about my research and other pertinent findings) and provided these materials to my new downline members. I typeset them with their member number and asked them to use it as a promotional circular.

I wrote each downline member a personal letter and thanked them for joining under me. I invited them to call me anytime for help and/or consultation. (Believe it or not, most upline sponsors never contact their downline members regardless if they beg them over and over to do so. This is cutting your own nose off to spite your face.)

I developed a newsletter that is published 5-6 times a year. This helps keep members in contact with the downline “family” as I call it. I also post the newsletter on the Internet for interested people to read, which aides in recruiting.

I implemented an Advertising Pool where members put money together and we advertise as a whole unit in card decks and other publications.

Of course, I am just getting started. Every few weeks I try to come up with something new that will appeal to my downline members. So far, nobody has dropped out and members express their thanks for my effort.

Building a downline is like building a customer base. You don’t just sell someone a product then leave them to seek you out in the future. You have to build a friendship and relationship with them to keep them active and building for the benefit of everyone in your downline. That’s right my friend, being a member of a network marketing program takes work. You should not really be in more than 1 (possibly 2) at any one time so you can dedicate yourself to it exclusively for a few years. After you have built the monthly income of your desire, then you can promote another program.

If you are interested in joining in my particular network marketing family, please write me at Graphico, Bluff City TN 37618-0488 to learn more about NeTel the best long-distance company I have ever found in the industry.

Karl Mills,
Karl Mills is the owner of Successfull Rewards
Home Business “In a Box” at
Consultant Sales Rep and Trainer with over 20 years of experience.
He is also publisher of the free Online Winners Newsletter
featuring e-courses, articles, tips, ‘pointers’ and bonus ebooks.

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