Thursday, September 19, 2024

How Effective Are Exit Exchanges ?

Exit exchanges are pop-under windows which are loaded if someone leaves your site. It is a little line of JavaScript code which is executed if the page is changed or closed and it is usually not so annoying to your visitors if used correctly.

What Ratios Do Exit Exchanges Offer ?

In most cases, the ratios are comparable to those of the startpage exchanges. Some of them offer just a 4:1 or 3:1 ratio and the best of them give a 1:1 ratio so this aspect is really similar to the startpage exchanges.

The difference lies in the fact that you don’t have to click to get visitors to your site. This kind of traffic generation works completely on autopilot once it is set up. But you need at least a decent amount of traffic at your site already or this chain reaction of hits is not triggered.

Exit exchanges only multiply your existing traffic whereas with startpage programs you create initial traffic !

In order to get the highest return from your existing traffic, you need to identify those pages which attract the greatest number of visitors on your website. You will need to take a look in your logfiles to recognize these pages. Then you can insert the code into these pages and let this source of traffic multiply .

It would not make sense to use the code on pages which are hardly ever seen by your visitors……

What Advantages Do Exit Exchanges Have ?

– the traffic you get is free – no manual work work is needed after the initial setup – not very obtrusive because they load in the background and are seen when visitors have finished viewing the main window – you can load your affiliate websites in the background without letting the visitor know that it’s not the main page

What Are The Main Disadvantages Of Exit Exchanges ?

– the traffic is not very targeted – even though they are not so obtrusive like entry pop-ups, a lot of people still are against any exit exchanges and find them offensive, they close new windows immediately – most exit exchanges restrict the delivery of pages ; they view only one page per visitor

Which Exit Exchanges Are Existing ?

Ad Exit”>

Traffic Multiplier”>

Exit Direct”>


Exit Exchange”>

Exit Blaze is one of the few exceptions which delivers targeted traffic and so is much more effective than the others which are sending thousands of uninterested visitors to your website.

TrafficMaestro This is another exit exchange which delivers targeted traffic. You can exactly define in which category your site fits best. Moreover, if you join their service, they send 1000 visitors directly to your website !

Generally spoken, exit exchanges are only effective if you have services which deliver targeted traffic such as Exitblaze and Trafficmaestro. If you use services which don’t care about targeting you are, in most cases, just wasting your server’s bandwidth ……!

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