Thursday, September 19, 2024

How do you get started on the internet?:

Most fresh ecommerce entrepreneurs wonder how they can start a thriving business on the internet. Well, this is not a simple question to answer because situations and expectations are different for everybody. However, this doesn’t mean that they are not guidelines that work for everyone.

Guidelines could be different but still lead you to the same expected result. The first and obvious thing most people think about before starting ecommerce is what they would like to do on the internet. You can decide to offer a line of products or services, or even choose a subject of interest (which works in affiliate programs) that could give you a lot of rewards. The next standard guideline is to define what “success on the internet” means to you. Defining what success means to you, leads you to what your goals are. For almost everybody, achievement means making tons of money. Well, if it is so, define how much money you’d like to make according to the resources that you own, because it is important to measure the viability of your goals. If your goal is to generate a lot of visitors to your web site, you need to be precise and identify how many visitors you’d like on your site, maybe daily or monthly.

If you have decided what to do and elaborated your goals, then you are ready for many other essentials. You can now build an action plan. This plan doesn’t need to be in a specific order. For example, one simple base of this plan could be selecting and implementing ways that would make you achieve your goals. No matter what your plan is, a major part of it will be your marketing strategies that will certainly take more that 60% of your work. Now, the action plan that you choose absolutely needs to be relevant to your goals; if one element of your plan is not relevant to your goals, you can still make adjustments. However, if your entire plan doesn’t reflect your expectations, you’ll need to redo everything by making sure your new action plan leads you to your objective.

There are different ways to build an action plan. But since you are a beginner, I wouldn’t advise you to build a plan yourself. For this, you’ll need to have some strong knowledge about the plan that will lead you to your exact aim. Here are 2 things that you must know; first, the type of information and knowledge you have could turn into real rewards. Second, what you do not know could seriously hurt you. By having a good action plan, you increase your chances to reach your goals; this action plan would make you reap profits out of your investment. Some people reach their goals and are successful on the internet; some others don’t and close their doors. What makes the difference between these two kinds of people is the action plan that they elaborate and implement.


Article by Stephane Kouandi, Owner and Webmaster behind ecMeans. provides free tips about E-commerce and Marketing for beginners, small businesses and Internet entrepreneurs. For more articles, subscribe to ecMeansNews by sending a blank email to

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