Thursday, September 19, 2024

How Did My Site Come Up In THAT Search?

I have been checking my site statistics regularly and find searches made for something NOT found at my sites! My freebies site at regularly was hit by people looking for “free razors” – which I did not provide at the site! People landed on the site, looked and left, probably wondering why they were sent there!

This is all too common – search engines spider sites and find combinations of words that may have NO relation to what people are looking for. Many people search for sites and find totally unrelated ones. I could not figure out where I had the word “razors” in my site – perhaps there are too few sites that offer it so defaults to only “free” sites?

Now, if you are a savvy webmaster, you’ll learn to adapt to this dilemma because it can be a goldmine for you! You will need to search the web for a provider of “free razors” that will pay you to place the link on your site that people go to when they look for “free razors” – I found a source that pays my 15 cents per “taker” at Now most of the hits from search engines that I get are for “free razors” but I am earning on every sign-up. Not much per sign-up, but better than dead traffic, and it does add up when there are a lot of searches coming in! Better to make some money from a search, rather than turning away unrelated visitors.

I still can’t figure out WHY? so many people are searching for “free razors” – how did that type of search ever become popular? I never would have guessed except my site statistics showed me.

Without having checked my site statistics (to see what people have searched for), I never would have known that I had a lot of useless visitors to my site. Now that I legitimately added “free razors” I get even more traffic that stays on my site a bit longer, looking it over and perhaps signing up for yet another freebie (because I placed the “free razors” a bit down on the site) – many more offers are getting sign-ups, as well. And the 15 cents per hit are adding up nicely!

P. Roe does website optimization work, and is working on her sites all the time – many are in number 1-10 ranking on Google and Yahoo! Subscribe to “Wise Little Tidbits” for more optimization tips.

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