Thursday, September 19, 2024

Home -N- Linens Site Review – Short Comments

Not everyone writes a long review – here are the short comments from the Home -N- Linens site review.

Nice layout for the site, but a little slow to load. Using a DSL modem, it took the home page a full 5 seconds to load. If I had to use a 56k modem, I’d have been frustrated with the wait.
My biggest problem with the site is the navigation buttons. Their products are presented very nicely, but the navigation buttons at the bottom of each page don’t fit in. Each catalog page is pleasant to look at, but then there’s those ugly, standard-gray buttons at the bottom. So much work went into this site, and then they just threw in those plain-jane buttons (and the don’t align with anything).

Robert Saari

Classy and elegant site, except for the “image not available” graphic. It is bold and loud and I could hardly look at the other samples that did have actual photos. Tone it down.

Sandy Ankenman
SA Work Company

a simple text search would be nice. I was looking for simple, plain pot holders. kinda thing I’d expect to find. apart from a search by sku# couldn’t find what I “wanted”.

Search functions are easy to get & install.

A great service you’re doing – keep it up.

Michael David
Hui O Ka Hana Pono

Nicely laid out, but the linens should have been ironed before shooting pictures!

The Health Q and A section of the Tips page has nothing to do with linens. Crash diet and hangover tips have no place there. Add to the laundering tips or put in a section on different styles of table settings instead.

Pam Nelson

I suggest us of width and height attributes in image tags, on index page at least. Makes for a very jumpy page as each image begins to download and expands to its full size.

Bob Dillon

  • The site looks very good (e.g. colors are matching)
  • The first page roughly tells me what they are selling.
  • The images are clear and crisp have an ideal size (I can see what I want to see and download time is OK)
  • The hint that goods can be sent to Germany is also important and the clear table of shipment cost may lead me to buy at home-n-linens the next days

Sorry, there is no negative comment.
All-in-all this is a super site – wow!

Thanks and best Regards.

Nickl Elektronik-Entwicklung GmbH
– Dietmar Burger –

El Problems –

#1 Missing title tag
#2 Missing keywords and description tag

This website is apparently useing the visible text within there links as the only method for search engines to find them – if they insist on going this route – they should put heading tags around the text used in the hyperlinks for those keywords that work best.

If you can’t find the el tacos (linens) in the search engines, well, how do people find this web site, the el point here is, even the best el bandito’s couldn’t steal one of there tacos (linen’s) if they can’t find them.

The html coding or lack there of , of the website is amusing, as is the don’t view source code javascript, witch to be el blunto – is asinine – useless – and gives the impression of outright stupidity or a criminal flavoring to the web site.

Excellento website except for the el problemo’s mentioned above.

El Jeff Johnson

Peer reviewers volunteer their time and effort to help other site owners with their websites. Please take time to visit this reviewer’s site and say that you think what they’re doing is valuable to the web business community. If you’d like your site reviewed, send an email to editors@

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