Friday, September 20, 2024

Hitwise Scopes Out The Competition

Want to know why your competitor’s website is so successful? Hitwise unveiled a service today that gives clients a glimpse into what your nemesis is doing right. Called Hitwise Conversions, the data reporting service outlines how online users navigate within specific sections of competitive websites.

“We can identify the key traffic drivers to a website that lead to conversions, including search terms. For example, we can identify a keyword that leads to a hotel or flight booking online to a travel site,” said Chris Maher, EVP of Global Sales of Hitwise.

The customizable service looks at promotional pages, shopping cart activity, registration page completion, loan application submissions, auction bids and user interaction within a specific channel of a site. Hitwise says this flexibility allows clients to understand consumer preferences and purchase behavior on competitive websites.

Stuart Parish, Marketing Manager for Travelocity UK, said Hitwise Conversions provides insight “to determine how we compete against key competitors in specific product areas” and helps the company “understand how certain product searches convert for our competitors’ websites.”

It also allows webmasters to see which specific search terms, demographic profiles and traffic from upstream websites have led to the highest conversion rates for the competition. It can be a good way to judge your own traffic generation strategies as well.

“Hitwise Conversions offers our clients a deeper view into competitive online marketing activities. This new capability has already benefited our clients as they monitor competitor promotions, product offerings and customer engagement strategies,” said Maher

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