Thursday, February 27, 2025

Help with Windows 98 / Internet Explorer Problem


Hello Mr. Holzman,

I have been tweaking my computer trying to fix it since Mcafee royally messed it up, I can no longer update windows or when I click on a link a blank page appears and or if I right click on the link it will not open. Any suggestions? I have IE6

Thank You,
S. L.

You can try re-installing IE6 by going to Add/Remove programs in the control panel and select it. If it offers you the option of Repair at that time, I would take it.

You should also check your Internet security settings. Double-click on the Internet Options icon in the Control Panel and select the Security tab and make sure all 4 zones are set to DEFAULT (using the DEFAULT LEVEL button on each one) and do the same thing for the Privacy tab.

Hope this helps,


Hi Carey,

Thanks for the opportunity to ask a question. This one has me really spooked. When I open Internet Options in the Tools menu of Internet Explorer, the tab labeled “General” is missing. Can’t change hompage or delete temp and history files. Any suggestions what happened to it and how do I get it back?

C. S.

PROBLEM: Internet Options under Tools on Internet Explorer is changed and the General Tab is no longer present. To repair this issue you must fix a data value in the registry. To do this do the following.

CLICK START BUTTON > CLICK ON RUN & type in regedit > this will take you to your registry, where you have to go to repair the issue.

Once there, on the left side there go to the following…


then click on Software

then click on Policies

then click on Microsoft

Then click on Internet Explorer

and then click Control Panel.

You will see three entries in this area, they are…..(default) REG_SZ & Programs Tab_REG-DWRORD & General Tab REG-DWORD. To the right of these there is a section with #’s in it referred to as “Data”. The Data associated with the General Tab should read 0x00000000 (0)… if that data has a 1(one) instead of a 0 (zero) you need to change that data value back to 0 (zero). To do that do this….. right click on General Tab………click modify…. make sure here is a dot in Hexadecimal selecting it….and the number to the left under (Value Data) change that number to a 0 (zero). Close the registry edit. After you do this the Internet Option under Tools will be normal again.


Many thanks. Worked like a charm!!! Changed that 1 to a 0 and all is well. Wonder if some virus, trojan or adware caused this? Just wondering – not asking for any more of your time. Thanks again.


Thanks for letting me know!


Carey Holzman owns and operates Discount Computer Repair (602-527-9723) in Phoenix, Arizona, where he offers repairs, upgrades, custom built PCs and network wiring at highly competitive pricing. His networking tips have appeared in David Strom’s book, The Home Networking Survival Guide (McGraw/Hill), and his own book on PC maintenance is currently available at local book stores, or directly through him. His free informative web site can be found at Donate $30 to help maintain his site and you’ll get a free autographed copy of his book. Carey can be reached directly at

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