Fusion Authority has published an interesting editorial by Hal Helms, scheduled for inclusion in FAQU 3.
The editorial is based on the keynote piece Hal did at cf.Objective() 2006 and also echoes views he has expressed on his Out Loud podcast (episode 32 I think).
Hal was an early advocate of adding Java-like features to ColdFusion but has changed his position for a number of reasons and thinks ColdFusion’s success depends on allowing developers to innovate quickly, which means providing unique features that help get certain types of job done quickly.
I like the article but I don’t think it’s really a “new vision” (as its title claims) because ColdFusion has always been about providing unique features that help developers innovate quickly.
For a contrasting view, read Vince Bonfanti’s evaluation of Hal’s article – and Hal responds in the comments (in fact, the whole comment thread is very interesting!).
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Sean is currently Senior Computer Scientist and Team Lead in the
Hosted Services group at Adobe Systems Incorporated. He has worked in
the IT industry for nearly twenty-five years, first in database
systems and compilers (serving eight years on the ANSI C++ Standards
Committee), then in mobile telecoms, and finally in web development.
Sean is a staunch advocate of software standards and best practices,
and is a well-known and respected speaker on these subjects. Sean has
championed and contributed to a number of ColdFusion frameworks, and
is a frequent publisher on his blog, http://corfield.org/