Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Heather’s Kindness Marketing Story

Hi there!

I know that this doesn’t relate to technical Kindness Marketing, but indeed it is kindness marketing as you describe it.

I am a miniature hobbyist. (No I’m not miniature, I make miniatures) I make 1/8th (and smaller) life sized leather saddles and bridles. For years, I have been shopping at Tandy Leather for my supplies. At first, 6 years ago when I started, Tandy Leather had actual retail stores across the U.S. Then they closed them all and I was able to order whatever I needed from their website www.tandyleather.com.

Recently, Tandy started opening up retail stores again. While I’m really happy about this because this means that eventually there will be a retail store near me, I still have to buy stuff in the meantime and doing so has been a nightmare. Tandy now takes the orders from their central website and faxes them to the store that they think is closest to you. Apparently the store closest to Louisville, KY is a subjective thing because I’ve had to call stores in VT, UT and TX to locate my order. (I believe that there is a store in Indianapolis which is really a lot closer than any of the other states listed but apparently they don’t consider IN closer than VT).

While I am not a big operation I do fill orders for customers in my hobby. I do need things on a timely basis. I try to be very careful about not running out of supplies and I tend to order what I need far ahead of time so that I can be sure to get it by the time I really need it.

Back in November, I had some small supplies on order for about a month and a half. (This was about the third time that I had a go round with the main Tandy site) Each time I called the central Tandy Leather store I was told that the order was indeed faxed out. I finally decided that I had waited long enough and wanted to track it down myself because I was really in need of these supplies. This was when my call was sent to a store UT, who in turn sent my call to CA and I finally ended up talking to a Store in Austin, TX. I luckily got a hold of Dennis at this store in TX. I explained my dilemma to Dennis and he offered to track down my order and fill it himself.. Dennis did a bang up job and absolutely went out of his way for me! He called me when he promised to, he found my order and filled it (and sent it the very next day!).

Since then I have asked him for advice on leather because with miniatures the thinner the leather the better. Dennis found some over-stock in the Warehouse that normal sized leather saddle makers could never use because it’s too thin, but it was absolutely the most perfect thing for me!! He sent me a TON of it at a good discount too.. I mean I’ll be able to make saddles from it for at least a year.. !

I now tell everyone else that I talk to that makes miniature saddles to talk to Dennis at the Tandy leather store In Austin, TX. I will probably not order leather from anyone but them in the future. This is all because Dennis took the hour or so that was needed to track down my order and make me happy. He didn’t have to do this and could’ve just sent me to another store. But because of his kindness in listening to my dilemma and then taking responsibility he helped me out a lot.. I hope that I can repay him enough by sending more customers his way so that he can be a success..

If you’re interested in what I make so that some of this diatribe is in the correct context you can check out my “what’s new” webpage here; http://www.desertnightcreations.com/whatsnew/whatsnew.html The top saddle was made using the leather that Dennis sent 🙂

Thanks, I really enjoy your weekly emails.. I’ve learned a lot!

Heather Abounader (Formerly Moreton)
Desert Night Creations
Equine Art and Equine Related Miniatures

Heather Abounader (Formerly Moreton)
Desert Night Creations
Equine Art and Equine Related Miniatures

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