Thursday, September 19, 2024

Healthline Give USNews A Shot In The Arm

Searching for information about health issues online can be a confusing experience. Healthline Networks would like to change that. They have teamed with to offer them health information services on their site.

“As a publisher committed to providing consumers access to credible, trustworthy health information, U.S. News & World Report’s web site features an array of health resources such as a comprehensive — and growing — Diseases and Conditions Center, customizable rankings of hospitals and health plans, and the latest health news and analysis,” said Bill Holiber, president, U.S. News & World Report.

 “By adding Healthline’s health information services, we’re expanding the breadth of health content available to our readers, improving the overall consumer experience and reinforcing’s reputation as the place Americans turn to when faced with major life decisions regarding their health.”

When visitors to search the site Healthline analyzes the text for health related terms. If it is a health related term the Healthline HealthFind service searches its database of more than 1 million medical terms and provides users with results from the U.S. News library of health news and Healthline’s Medically Guided Search resources.

Other features from Healthline include a visual search using HealthMaps, which allows users to click on topics related to specific diseases and conditions instead of having to type queries into the search box. Users can also broaden or narrow their search by using navigation links.

“Healthline and U.S. News & World Report share a singular vision: to provide consumers with authoritative, pertinent information that will guide them in this era of consumer-directed healthcare,” said West Shell III, chairman and chief executive officer, Healthline Networks.

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