Saturday, October 5, 2024

Hanging Out At Google

I gotta remember to keep trips to Google down to under two hours. Why? My head starts hurting.

It’s like being in an intellectual candy store. Everyone I meet shows me something else cool and gives me another 10 ways to make my blog better (hey, Mike Cassidy, if you think your blog sucks, you should hang out at Google for a while – they’ll show you 50 ways to make your blog better).

Actually, that sounds like an interesting post for Matt Cutts to do someday: 50 ways Google’rs can make your blog better.

My first interview was with Mark Lucovsky (blog here). I apologized to him for not believing that businesses would host their data off site. They do, and are, in increasing numbers. He explained that the press got Hailstorm all wrong. Too bad he didn’t have a blog back then.

Anyway, then he explained what he was working on at Google: APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs.

Oh, sorry, I was channelling Steve Ballmer there for a moment.

Heh. He’s actually working on the AJAX Search API. This is a pretty interesting API that lets you put maps, and search results, on your Web page or blog. He has tons of examples. I’ll get the video up soon.

Then it was onto Shashi Seth. He works on Google CoOp. I had no idea such a thing existed. You probably don’t either.

What’s that? Oh, just a custom version of Google’s search engine. Say you want to put a search box on your blog, but you only want Google to display results from, say, your blog, mine, and Mike Arrington’s blog. Well, CoOp lets you do that.

Anyway, I think I’ll hang out in the lobby of Google’s Building 43 more often. Marissa Mayer, VP at Google, dropped by to say hi. Well, OK, she was passing through and I said hi to her. No, I didn’t ask her about what Google is copying from Yahoo. Didn’t have time. I did ask lots of other employees at Google, though, and while no one would own up to knowing who did the copying they assured me he or she was getting a lot of ribbing right now.

In between the other people I saw in the lobby that I knew (quite a few) was Aaron Swartz, co-founder of NotABug, which makes Reddit. That was recently sold to Conde Nast, so he’s working on a whole bunch of editorial properties for them (Reddit is similar to Digg).

I’m off to interview Stumbleupon



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Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as’s Vice President of Media Development.

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