Saturday, October 5, 2024

Great (Free) Information Keeps Website Visitors Coming Back Again and Again!

If your website visitors are like me, they may visit your site. They may read your sales letter. They may check out some of your links. They may even sign your guestbook. But… if that’s all you have to offer, don’t expect them to come back again!


It’s simple. There’s no reason to return. I’ve seen it all, right? Been there, done that!

‘Nuff said.

But… if you want them to return, give them a reason to come back.

One great reason to come back is great information!

I’m not talking about just posting anything you can come up with that is free on your site. It has to be targeted information. Information that applies to your audience, your market. If you can provide this and do it on a consistent basis . . .

… they’ll keep coming back again and again for more.

Your visitors will read the free articles and they’ll return on a regular basis to see what’s new.

Nothing new? They may not be back for awhile.

That’s why consistency is so important.

What do I recommend?

I try to add something new at least once a week.

Seems hard?

Not really.

New “article libraries” are springing up all over the internet. Smart marketers have found a great way to promote their products, services, and their websites–all by offering free information for reprint.

The concept is simple really. There’s a huge market out there. Think about it, there are 1000s of ezines that need new material on a continual basis. There are newsletters (ezines) and also websites with article libraries that want new content for their readers. So, if you have any writing ability at all, you can get free publicity by occasionally contributing free articles for reprint. These articles are then reprinted all over the internet with links to your website and a free ad (called a resource box) at the bottom of each article telling about you and about your products, services, and/or website.

And by visiting these article library sites that offer free articles for reprint and copying the free articles into your newsletter or onto your website, you can continually offer a fresh supply of new material to your website visitors or to your newsletter readers.

One great source is:

Sure, the articles are targeted for use by ezines. But, if you read their “terms of use policy” closely, you’ll find that the articles can be reprinted on your website as well. And besides, the authors of the free articles are wanting exactly what you’re willing to offer: a link to their website and MORE TRAFFIC!’s terms of use policy states: “You have permission, from the authors of these articles, to reprint them in their entirety. You must include the resource box at the end of each article. The resource box is the text at the end of the article that contains the author’s contact information and copyright notice. The authors retain the copyright to their articles.”

And this policy is posted right on the first (home) page of the website.

And there are other great sources of free article content for your website as well, such as:
http://www.web- ticle-announce ist.shtml

So there you have it. Find some great information (articles) and add them to your website or use them in your ezine! And watch the traffic increase!

Ron Knowlton is a former journalist and the founding editor at “Articles To Boost Your Success Online!” Subscribe to the Soaring Profits Success Ezine! Like a free monthly internet marketing course by email! Eight great lessons each month! Subscribe: htm

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