Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Google’s 2nd Quarter Financial Report

Google has just released the information concerning their financial report for the second quarter of 2005, which ended on June 30th and as everyone should expect, Google did quite well.

The report, which is highlighted here and available in its entirety here (PDF), gives the gory details of Google’s continuing windfall of money, which remains closely tied to their advertising programs as it was in previous years. The report’s highlights reveal for the 2nd quarter, Google generated $1.384 billion in revenue; a 10% increase over the first quarter and a 98% year-over-year increase.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt had these comments; reinforcing what everyone suspects:

“We had an excellent quarter. We continued to innovate, we continued to execute and we stayed focused on our users. Google had another solid performance.”

Other highlighted information includes:

Google-Sites Revenues – Google-owned sites generated $737 million or 53% of total revenues. This represents an increase of 115% over the second quarter of 2004.

The Google Network – Revenues generated on Google’s partner sites, through AdSense programs, contributed $630 million, or 46 % of total revenues, an 82% increase over the Network revenues generated in the same quarter last year.

TAC – Traffic Acquisition Costs, the portion of revenues shared with Google’s partners, increased to $494 million. This compares to total payments to partners of $277 million in the second quarter of 2004.

One should expect Google’s financial success to continue on into the future… especially if their Google+Search”>stock price, which currently resides at $312.93 a share, serves as any indication.

Thanks to Gary for the heads-up.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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