Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Google’s IPO, Inside AdSense Have Anniversaries

You know that feeling when you forget a birthday?  Well, I don’t have it, but it’s nonetheless true that I failed to note two Google anniversaries.  Google’s IPO occurred three years ago as of August 19, and on August 15, the Inside AdSense blog turned two.

murdok is essentially closed on the weekends, so the IPO miss was bound to happen.  As for the Inside AdSense event, well, there was more pressing news to report.  But Google’s Julie Beckmann, of AdSense Publisher Support, found time to write, “Happy blogday to us,” and now – just 145 hours later – we’ll second the thought.

“Whether you read the blog every so often or if this is the first time you’ve stumbled upon it, it’s a great opportunity to subscribe and begin receiving posts in your inbox,” Beckmann continued, calling this an opportunity to become “a more informed, savvier publisher.”  Sounds reasonable enough.

On to the other event, then: the IPO.  “It is hard to fathom today, but when it first hit the Nasdaq, Google’s I.P.O. was widely considered a disappointment,” notes a DealBook article in The New York Times.  “The Web search giant priced its new stock at the low end of already reduced expectations – $85 per share – and cut back the number of shares being sold.”

As I’m about to hit the “publish” button on this article, Google’s at $506.61.  Happy anniversary, indeed.

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