Friday, September 20, 2024

Google’s Brandy Update Exposed

If you’re a forum regular you know by now that Google’s results are changing again. I hope your rankings improve.

Brandy ExposedBrandy Exposed

This latest update, dubbed Brandy, (we thought it should be called Brittany…) was accurately predicted last week by the guys at Stepforth.

While this update has not yet fully rolled out to all the datacenters, you can search the new Google here:

What difference do you notice?

So what’s different now? Andy Beal said that it “looks like they have tweaked things to include a lot more “authority” sites that were previously not included.” This speaks to the Stepforth announcement that Google had increased the number of links that they recognize.

Daniel Brandt from over at said that he’s seeing “lots of Austin type results in many categories.” About the change in results he said “It’s too early [to tell what the difference is], or not a very impressive update.”

“In this case the change is not as significant as Florida or Austin. I don’t think it will be as sticky,” he concluded.

GoogleGuy, a Google spokesperson who posts at WebMasterWorld, verified the update and gave a rough timeline for its roll out, “I just talked to somebody else at Google. Sounds like 64.x.x.x is indeed the wave of the future. They did say that it may roll out over several days instead of being done over the weekend though.”

In answer to a poster’s question on whether the Brandy update was a move back to pre-Florida results GoogleGuy said, “we’ve definitely been working to incorporate new signals of quality and improve the way that we rank pages, so the results at the 64.x.x.x data center are not a rollback or pre-Florida results–it’s several steps forward based on new ways of gauging quality and relevance.”

Visit this Google datacenter: and post any differences you notice.

Garrett French is the editor of Murdok’s eBusiness channel. You can talk to him directly at WebProWorld, the eBusiness Community Forum.

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