Friday, September 20, 2024

Google TV Ads Go Broadway

Google announced today that it has entered a television advertising agreement with Broadway Systems. Apparently Broadway Systems announced this back on the 16th, but Google is talking about it today on the Traditional Media blog.

Broadway Systems is a provider of traffic and billing for managing TV ad inventory.  Under the agreement, the two companies will integrate systems and enable Broadway Systems’ cable network clients to make their inventory available to Google TV Ads advertisers more easily.

Broadway Systems

“With the addition of Broadway, the Google TV Ads team is now working with most of the leading traffic and billing systems for cable networks, including Harris Corporation and VCI,” says Bob Meese, Business Development Manager for Google TV Ads.

Bob Meese

“We hope to make TV advertising more relevant, accountable and measurable, delivering benefits to viewers, advertisers and programmers,” he says.

Broadway’s clients who are Google TV Ads inventory partners will be able to reach new advertisers with Google TV Ads as well as using their existing tools. They will also get access to inventory performance reports based on set-top box data.

“Efficiency has always been a cornerstone of Broadway Systems, and our integration with Google helps streamline the process of bringing new advertisers to our customers,” said John Sorensen, president of Broadway Systems. “Google TV Ads is an exciting outlet for new advertising revenue, particularly for cable networks. Now, Broadway customers have a direct line to these online opportunities.”

Inventory owners specify the inventory they want to make available through Google TV Ads, and when advertisers select inventory they want to target, submit bids and upload ads, the winning ads are delivered from Google’s platform to Broadway’s traffic system. Broadway returns verification info to Google about when and where the ads ran.

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